Promotions API

The Promotions API allows you to retrieve available promotions, including their associated costs, characteristics, and other relevant details for your customers.

The Promotions API is available in the following countries:

Country Promotions Interest-Free Months (MSI)


The Promotions feature allows you to query active promotions via API, retrieve their details, and present them to customers.

A promotion includes the applicable payment methods, eligible days of the week, a list of participating banks, and the start and end dates for validity.

Authentication for Promotions

To authenticate API requests, you must use an HMAC-based mechanism. You need your MerchantPublicKey, which can be found in your PayU Management Panel under Settings > Technical Configuration > Public Key.


Configuring the Authentication

Include the Authorization and Date headers in your request. The Authorization header follows this structure:

"Hmac" + " " + MerchantPublicKey + ":" + Signature

Where Signature is created as follows:

Signature = Base64(HMAC-SHA256(MerchantApiKey,ContentToSign)) 

And ContentToSign corresponds to:

HTTP-Verb + "\n" + "\n" + "\n" +
Date + "\n" +

Example: Generating the Authentication Header

The following example shows how to create the Authentication header using the following test values:



Fri, 28 Apr 2017 18:32:01 GMT





Encrypt ContentToSign using MerchantApiKey as the passphrase. Then, concatenate the result with MerchantPublicKey as shown below:


Hmac PKaC6H4cEDJD919n705L544kSU:sIxh54sANfKaxO0ugX6QwhPmZRS+TGy8gmdCwr3kjP0= 

To prevent replay attacks, include the Date header formatted as follows:


Mon, 11 May 2015 21:14:41 GMT

If REST client restrictions prevent using Date, you may alternatively send x-hmac-date using the same format:


Mon, 11 May 2015 21:14:41 GMT

Querying Available Promotions

To retrieve promotions, send a GET request to the appropriate URL based on the environment.

As this is a RESTful service, we strongly recommend against strict schema validation. Avoiding schema validation ensures seamless integration, minimizing changes when updates are made to the Web Service.

Parameters for Request and Response

Request Parameters
Parameter Description Mandatory
accountId Unique identifier of your account. Yes
currency Currency associated with your account. No
amount Total amount of the purchase. Yes
paymentMethod Optional parameter to filter promotions by payment method. No
Response Parameters
Field Name Type Size Description
promotion > id Integer Unique identifier of the promotion in the PayU platform.
promotion > title String 50 Title of the promotion.
promotion > termsAndConditions String 250 Terms and conditions applicable to the promotion.
promotion > paymentMethod String Name of the payment method available for the promotion.
promotion > subFranchise String Name of the sub-brand/sub-franchise of the payment method.
promotion > banks List List of banks where the promotion applies.
promotion > iins List List of bank IIN/BIN numbers where the promotion applies.
promotion > days List List of days on which the promotion applies.
promotion > startDate Datetime Start date of the promotion.
promotion > endDate Datetime End date of the promotion.
paymentMethodFee List Description of costs assumed by the merchant based on the payment method.
paymentMethodFee > paymentMethodFeeDetail.paymentMethod String Name of the payment method.
paymentMethodFeeDetail > pricingFees Object Contains pricing details for payment methods and installment plans.
paymentMethodFeeDetail > pricingFees > fee > installments String Single installment (1) or a range of installments (1-36 for applicable countries).
paymentMethodFeeDetail > pricingFees > fee > pricing Object Default pricing values for the transaction.
paymentMethodFeeDetail > pricingFees > fee > pricing > payerDetail Object Breakdown of interest and fees applied to the payer.
paymentMethodFeeDetail > pricingFees > fee > pricing > payerDetail > commission Decimal Total fees, including applicable taxes, charged to the payer.
paymentMethodFeeDetail > pricingFees > fee > pricing > payerDetail > interests Decimal Total interest, including applicable taxes, charged to the payer.
paymentMethodFeeDetail > pricingFees > fee > pricing > payerDetail > total Decimal Total amount the payer needs to pay, including fees and interest.
paymentMethodFeeDetail > pricingFees > fee > pricing > merchantDetail Object Breakdown of interest and fees applied to the merchant.
paymentMethodFeeDetail > pricingFees > fee > pricing > merchantDetail > commission Decimal Total fees, including applicable taxes, charged to the merchant.
paymentMethodFeeDetail > pricingFees > fee > pricing > merchantDetail > interests Decimal Total interest, including applicable taxes, charged to the merchant.
paymentMethodFeeDetail > pricingFees > fee > pricing > merchantDetail > total Decimal Total amount the merchant needs to pay due to fees and interest.
paymentMethodFeeDetail > pricingFees > fee > pricing > totalValue Decimal Total payment value, including fees and interest.
paymentMethodFeeDetail > pricingFees > fee > pricing > totalIncomeTransaction Decimal Total income generated from the transaction.
paymentMethodFeeDetail > pricingFees > fee > pricing > additionalInfo Object Includes information on the Annual Effective Interest Rate (TEA) and Total Financial Cost (CFT). Available for Argentina.
paymentMethodFeeDetail > pricingFees > fee > pricing > additionalInfo > cft Decimal Total Financial Cost (CFT) applied.
paymentMethodFeeDetail > pricingFees > fee > pricing > additionalInfo > tea Decimal Annual Effective Interest Rate (TEA) applied.

API Call

To retrieve available promotions, send a GET request using the following format:


The {env-api} variable should be set as follows:

  • sandbox.api for testing
  • api for production

The paymentMethod parameter is optional and can be used to filter promotions by a specific payment method.

Request Example:


Response Example:

    "amount": {
        "value": 1000.00,
        "tax": 0,
        "purchaseValue": 1000.00,
        "currency": "ARS"
    "convertedAmount": {
        "value": 1000.00,
        "tax": 0.00,
        "purchaseValue": 1000.00,
        "currency": "ARS"
    "promotions": [
            "id": 49,
            "title": "Promotion_ID AMEX",
            "termsAndConditions": "SI",
            "paymentMethodMain": "AMEX",
            "startDate": "2018-08-16 18:48:00",
            "endDate": "2090-08-16 18:48:00",
            "days": [
            "priority": 10,
            "type": "MSI"
            "id": 45,
            "title": "Promotion Test - Master",
            "termsAndConditions": "Terminos y condiciones",
            "paymentMethodMain": "MASTERCARD",
            "startDate": "2018-06-26 17:06:00",
            "endDate": "2030-06-26 17:06:00",
            "days": [
            "priority": 10,
            "type": "MSI"
    "paymentMethodFee": [
            "paymentMethod": "DINERS",
            "pricingFees": [
                    "installments": "1",
                    "pricing": {
                        "payerDetail": {
                            "commission": 0.00,
                            "interests": 0.00,
                            "total": 0.00
                        "merchantDetail": {
                            "commission": 44.65,
                            "interests": 0.00,
                            "total": 44.65
                        "totalValue": 1000.00,
                        "totalIncomeTransaction": 955.35,
                        "additionalInfo": {
                            "cft": "0%",
                            "tea": "0%"
                    "installments": "3",
                    "pricing": {
                        "payerDetail": {
                            "commission": 0.00,
                            "interests": 171.29,
                            "total": 171.29
                        "merchantDetail": {
                            "commission": 44.65,
                            "interests": 0.00,
                            "total": 44.65
                        "totalValue": 1171.29,
                        "totalIncomeTransaction": 955.35,
                        "additionalInfo": {
                            "cft": "162%",
                            "tea": "123.28%"
                    "installments": "6",
                    "pricing": {
                        "payerDetail": {
                            "commission": 0.00,
                            "interests": 230.01,
                            "total": 230.01
                        "merchantDetail": {
                            "commission": 44.65,
                            "interests": 0.00,
                            "total": 44.65
                        "totalValue": 1230.01,
                        "totalIncomeTransaction": 955.35,
                        "additionalInfo": {
                            "cft": "107%",
                            "tea": "83.97%"
                    "installments": "9",
                    "pricing": {
                        "payerDetail": {
                            "commission": 0.00,
                            "interests": 340.05,
                            "total": 340.05
                        "merchantDetail": {
                            "commission": 44.65,
                            "interests": 0.00,
                            "total": 44.65
                        "totalValue": 1340.04,
                        "totalIncomeTransaction": 955.35,
                        "additionalInfo": {
                            "cft": "108%",
                            "tea": "85.03%"
                    "installments": "12",
                    "pricing": {
                        "payerDetail": {
                            "commission": 0.00,
                            "interests": 490.01,
                            "total": 490.01
                        "merchantDetail": {
                            "commission": 44.65,
                            "interests": 0.00,
                            "total": 44.65
                        "totalValue": 1490.02,
                        "totalIncomeTransaction": 955.35,
                        "additionalInfo": {
                            "cft": "119%",
                            "tea": "93.68%"
                    "installments": "18",
                    "pricing": {
                        "payerDetail": {
                            "commission": 0.00,
                            "interests": 641.38,
                            "total": 641.38
                        "merchantDetail": {
                            "commission": 44.65,
                            "interests": 0.00,
                            "total": 44.65
                        "totalValue": 1641.39,
                        "totalIncomeTransaction": 955.35,
                        "additionalInfo": {
                            "cft": "97%",
                            "tea": "77.91%"
                    "installments": "24",
                    "pricing": {
                        "payerDetail": {
                            "commission": 0.00,
                            "interests": 822.72,
                            "total": 822.72
                        "merchantDetail": {
                            "commission": 44.65,
                            "interests": 0.00,
                            "total": 44.65
                        "totalValue": 1822.72,
                        "totalIncomeTransaction": 955.35,
                        "additionalInfo": {
                            "cft": "90%",
                            "tea": "72.47%"
            "paymentMethod": "AMEX",
            "pricingFees": [
                    "installments": "1",
                    "pricing": {
                        "payerDetail": {
                            "commission": 0.00,
                            "interests": 0.00,
                            "total": 0.00
                        "merchantDetail": {
                            "commission": 44.65,
                            "interests": 0.00,
                            "total": 44.65
                        "totalValue": 1000.00,
                        "totalIncomeTransaction": 955.35,
                        "additionalInfo": {
                            "cft": "0%",
                            "tea": "0%"
                    "promos": [
                            "id": 49,
                            "pricing": {
                                "payerDetail": {
                                    "commission": 0.00,
                                    "interests": 0.00,
                                    "total": 0.00
                                "merchantDetail": {
                                    "commission": 1044.65,
                                    "interests": 0.00,
                                    "total": 1044.65
                                "totalValue": 1000.00,
                                "totalIncomeTransaction": -44.65,
                                "additionalInfo": {
                                    "cft": "0%",
                                    "tea": "0%"
                            "priority": 10
                    "installments": "3",
                    "pricing": {
                        "payerDetail": {
                            "commission": 0.00,
                            "interests": 171.29,
                            "total": 171.29
                        "merchantDetail": {
                            "commission": 44.65,
                            "interests": 0.00,
                            "total": 44.65
                        "totalValue": 1171.29,
                        "totalIncomeTransaction": 955.35,
                        "additionalInfo": {
                            "cft": "162%",
                            "tea": "123.28%"
                    "installments": "6",
                    "pricing": {
                        "payerDetail": {
                            "commission": 0.00,
                            "interests": 230.01,
                            "total": 230.01
                        "merchantDetail": {
                            "commission": 44.65,
                            "interests": 0.00,
                            "total": 44.65
                        "totalValue": 1230.01,
                        "totalIncomeTransaction": 955.35,
                        "additionalInfo": {
                            "cft": "107%",
                            "tea": "83.97%"
                    "installments": "9",
                    "pricing": {
                        "payerDetail": {
                            "commission": 0.00,
                            "interests": 340.05,
                            "total": 340.05
                        "merchantDetail": {
                            "commission": 44.65,
                            "interests": 0.00,
                            "total": 44.65
                        "totalValue": 1340.04,
                        "totalIncomeTransaction": 955.35,
                        "additionalInfo": {
                            "cft": "108%",
                            "tea": "85.03%"
                    "installments": "12",
                    "pricing": {
                        "payerDetail": {
                            "commission": 0.00,
                            "interests": 490.01,
                            "total": 490.01
                        "merchantDetail": {
                            "commission": 44.65,
                            "interests": 0.00,
                            "total": 44.65
                        "totalValue": 1490.02,
                        "totalIncomeTransaction": 955.35,
                        "additionalInfo": {
                            "cft": "119%",
                            "tea": "93.68%"
                    "installments": "18",
                    "pricing": {
                        "payerDetail": {
                            "commission": 0.00,
                            "interests": 641.38,
                            "total": 641.38
                        "merchantDetail": {
                            "commission": 44.65,
                            "interests": 0.00,
                            "total": 44.65
                        "totalValue": 1641.39,
                        "totalIncomeTransaction": 955.35,
                        "additionalInfo": {
                            "cft": "97%",
                            "tea": "77.91%"
                    "installments": "24",
                    "pricing": {
                        "payerDetail": {
                            "commission": 0.00,
                            "interests": 822.72,
                            "total": 822.72
                        "merchantDetail": {
                            "commission": 44.65,
                            "interests": 0.00,
                            "total": 44.65
                        "totalValue": 1822.72,
                        "totalIncomeTransaction": 955.35,
                        "additionalInfo": {
                            "cft": "90%",
                            "tea": "72.47%"
    "paymentTaxesDetails": [],
    "taxesServiceFailed": true
<consultPriceListResponse xmlns:atom="" xmlns:ns3="">
        <promotion id="49" title="Promotion_ID AMEX">
            <startDate>2018-08-16 18:48:00</startDate>
            <endDate>2090-08-16 18:48:00</endDate>
        <promotion id="45" title="Promotion Test - Master">
            <termsAndConditions>Terminos y condiciones</termsAndConditions>
            <startDate>2018-06-26 17:06:00</startDate>
            <endDate>2030-06-26 17:06:00</endDate>
        <paymentMethodFeeDetail paymentMethod="DINERS">
                <fee installments="1">
                <fee installments="3">
                <fee installments="6">
                <fee installments="9">
                <fee installments="12">
                <fee installments="18">
                <fee installments="24">
        <paymentMethodFeeDetail paymentMethod="AMEX">
                <fee installments="1">
                        <promo id="49">
                <fee installments="3">
                <fee installments="6">
                <fee installments="9">
                <fee installments="12">
                <fee installments="18">
                <fee installments="24">

Executing a Transaction with Promotions

Once you have selected a promotion, include the PROMOTION_ID and the INSTALLMENTS_NUMBER as extra parameters in your request:

"extraParameters": {
    "INSTALLMENTS_NUMBER": (number of installments),
    "PROMOTION_ID": (selected promotion ID)
        <string>Number of installments</string>
        <string>Selected promotion ID</string>

Months Without Interest (MSI - Meses Sin Intereses)

For accounts in Mexico, you can offer customers the option to pay in a set number of interest-free installments. To enable this feature, contact your sales representative.


  • Supported installment options: 3, 6, 9, 12, or 18 months.
  • Minimum purchase amounts required for MSI:
    • 3 months → $300 MXN
    • 6 months → $600 MXN
    • 9 months → $900 MXN
    • 12 months → $1200 MXN
    • 18 months → $1800 MXN
  • MSI is available with the following banks: BANAMEX, BANCO REGIONAL DE MONTERREY S.A, BANCOPPEL, BANCO AZTECA, SCOTIABANK, HSBC, INBURSA, BANCA MIFEL SA, BANCO MULTIVA, BAJIO, CI BANCO, Afirme, Banregio, Banjercito, Banorte, Famsa, Invex, Premium Card Liverpool, Santander, and Bancomer.
  • When using MSI, always display the phrase “PAGOS DIFERIDOS” during the payment process.

MSI Request Parameters

To apply MSI, include the number of months in the extraParameters field:

"extraParameters": {
    "INSTALLMENTS_NUMBER": (number of months)
        <string>Number of months</string>

For additional details on using MSI, refer to the Payments API for Mexico.

Last modified February 7, 2025: Documentation Updates (3ab7a7b0a)