Payments API - Colombia

The Payments API for Colombia enables seamless integration of PayU’s payment processing capabilities into your online shopping platform. With this API, merchants can offer different payment methods via credit or debit cards, mobile wallets, cash, and bank transfers.

This guide shows how to leverage these services to enhance your customers’ payment experience by providing flexible and secure payment options tailored to the local market.

Available Methods

Payments API includes the following methods:

Submit Transactions Using Credit or Debit Cards

This method allows you to process the payments that your customers conduct using credit or debit cards. For Colombia, you can perform one-step flows (Charge). For more information, refer to Payment flows.

Parameters for Request and Response

Field Name Format Size Description Mandatory
language Alphanumeric 2 Language used in the request, this language is used to display the error messages generated. See supported languages. Yes
command Alphanumeric Max:32 Set SUBMIT_TRANSACTION. Yes
test (JSON)
isTest (XML)
Boolean Set true if the request is in test mode. Otherwise, set false. Yes
merchant Object This object has the authentication data. Yes
merchant > apiLogin Alphanumeric Min:12 Max:32 User or login provided by PayU. How do I get my API Login Yes
merchant > apiKey Alphanumeric Min:6 Max:32 Password provided by PayU. How do I get my API Key Yes
transaction Object This object has the transaction data. Yes
transaction > order Object This object has the order data. Yes
transaction > order > accountId Number Identifier of your account. Yes
transaction > order > referenceCode Alphanumeric Min:1 Max:255 Represents the identifier of the order in your system. Yes
transaction > order > description Alphanumeric Min:1 Max:255 Description of the order. Yes
transaction > order > language Alphanumeric 2 Language used in emails sent to the buyer and the seller. Yes
transaction > order > notifyUrl Alphanumeric Max:2048 Confirmation URL of the order. No
transaction > order > partnerId Alphanumeric Max:255 Partner ID in PayU. No
transaction > order > signature Alphanumeric Max:255 The signature associated to the form. For more information refer Authentication signature. Yes
transaction > order > shippingAddress Object Shipping address. No
transaction > order > shippingAddress > street1 Alphanumeric Max:100 Address Line 1. No
transaction > order > shippingAddress > street2 Alphanumeric Max:100 Address Line 2. No
transaction > order > shippingAddress > city Alphanumeric Max:50 Address city. No
transaction > order > shippingAddress > state Alphanumeric Max:40 Address State. No
transaction > order > shippingAddress > country Alphanumeric 2 Address country. No
transaction > order > shippingAddress > postalCode Alphanumeric Max:8 Address Zip code. No
transaction > order > shippingAddress > phone Alphanumeric Max:11 Phone number associated to the address. No
transaction > order > buyer Object Buyer information. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > merchantBuyerId Alphanumeric Max:100 Buyer ID in your system. No
transaction > order > buyer > fullName Alphanumeric Max:150 Full name of the buyer. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > emailAddress Alphanumeric Max:255 E-mail of the buyer. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > contactPhone Alphanumeric Max:20 Phone number of the buyer. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > dniNumber Alphanumeric Max:20 Identification number of the buyer. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress Alphanumeric Shipping address of the buyer. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > street1 Alphanumeric Max:150 Buyer’s shipping address Line 1. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > city Alphanumeric Max:50 Buyer’s shipping address city. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > state Alphanumeric Max:40 Buyer’s shipping address state. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > country Alphanumeric 2 Buyer’s shipping address country in format ISO 3166 alpha-2. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > postalCode Number Max:20 Buyer’s shipping address zip code. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > phone Number Max:20 Buyer’s shipping address phone number. Yes
transaction > order > additionalValues > Object 64 Amount of the order and its associated values. Yes
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_VALUE Alphanumeric 64 Amount of the transaction. Yes
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_VALUE > value Number 12, 2 Specifies the amount of the transaction. This amount cannot include decimals. Yes
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_VALUE > currency Alphanumeric 3 ISO code of the currency. See accepted currencies. No
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_TAX Alphanumeric 64 Amount of the Value Added Tax (IVA - Impuesto al Valor Agregado). Yes
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_TAX > value Number 12, 2 Specifies the amount of the IVA.
If this parameter is not set, PayU applies the current tax value (19%).
If the amount does not have IVA, send 0.
This value may have two decimal digits.
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_TAX > currency Alphanumeric 3 ISO code of the currency. See accepted currencies. No
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_TAX_RETURN_BASE Alphanumeric 64 Base value to calculate the IVA.
If the amount does not have IVA, send 0.
This value may have two decimal digits.
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_TAX_RETURN_BASE > value Number 12, 2 Specifies the base amount of the transaction. No
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_TAX_RETURN_BASE > currency Alphanumeric 3 ISO code of the currency. See accepted currencies. No
transaction > creditCardTokenId Alphanumeric Include this parameter when the transaction is done using a tokenized card; moreover, it is mandatory to also send the parameter transaction.creditCard.expirationDate.
For more information, refer to Tokenization API.
transaction > creditCard Object Credit card information. This object and its parameters are mandatory when the payment is performed using not tokenized credit card. No
transaction > creditCard Object Credit card information. If you process using debit card, do not send this parameter.
This object and its parameters are mandatory when the payment is performed using not tokenized credit card.
transaction > creditCard > number Alphanumeric Min:13 Max:20 Credit card number. No
transaction > creditCard > securityCode Alphanumeric Min:1 Max:4 Credit card security code (CVC2, CVV2, CID). No
transaction > creditCard > expirationDate Alphanumeric 7 Credit card expiration date. Format YYYY/MM. No
transaction > creditCard > name Alphanumeric Min:1 Max:255 Holder’s name displayed in the credit card. No
transaction > creditCard > processWithoutCvv2 Boolean Max:255 Allows you to process transactions without including the credit card security code. Your commerce requires PayU’s authorization before using this feature. No
transaction > debitCard Object Debit card information. This object and its parameters are mandatory when the payment is performed using debit card. No
transaction > debitCard > number Alphanumeric Min:13 Max:20 Debit card number. No
transaction > debitCard > securityCode Alphanumeric Min:1 Max:4 Debit card security code (CVC2, CVV2, CID). No
transaction > debitCard > expirationDate Alphanumeric 7 Debit card expiration date. Format YYYY/MM. No
transaction > debitCard > name Alphanumeric Min:1 Max:255 Holder’s name displayed in the debit card. No
transaction > payer Object Payer information. Yes
transaction > payer > emailAddress Alphanumeric Max:255 Payer e-mail address. Yes
transaction > payer > merchantPayerId Alphanumeric Max:100 Identifier of the payer in your system. No
transaction > payer > fullName Alphanumeric Max:150 Name of the payer which must meet the name sent in the parameter Yes
transaction > payer > billingAddress Object Billing address. Yes
transaction > payer > billingAddress > street1 Alphanumeric Max:100 Billing Address Line 1. Yes
transaction > payer > billingAddress > street2 Alphanumeric Max:100 Billing Address Line 2. No
transaction > payer > billingAddress > city Alphanumeric Max:50 Billing address city. Yes
transaction > payer > billingAddress > state Alphanumeric Max:40 Billing address state. No
transaction > payer > billingAddress > country Alphanumeric 2 Billing address country in format ISO 3166 Alpha-2. Yes
transaction > payer > billingAddress > postalCode Alphanumeric Max:20 Billing address zip code. No
transaction > payer > billingAddress > phone Alphanumeric Max:20 Billing address phone number. No
transaction > payer > birthdate Alphanumeric Max:10 Payer’s date of birth. No
transaction > payer > contactPhone Alphanumeric Max:20 Payer’s phone number. Yes
transaction > payer > dniNumber Alphanumeric Max:20 Identification number of the buyer. Yes
transaction > payer > dniType Alphanumeric 2 Identification type of the buyer. See Document types. No
transaction > type Alphanumeric 32 Set this value according to the transaction. For Colombia, set AUTHORIZATION_AND_CAPTURE Yes
transaction > paymentMethod Alphanumeric 32 Select a valid Credit card Payment Method. See the available Payment Methods for Colombia. Yes
transaction > paymentCountry Alphanumeric 2 Set CO for Colombia. Yes
transaction > deviceSessionId Alphanumeric Max:255 Session identifier of the device where the customer performs the transaction. For more information, refer to this topic. Yes
transaction > ipAddress Alphanumeric Max:39 IP address of the device where the customer performs the transaction. Yes
transaction > cookie Alphanumeric Max:255 Cookie stored by the device where the customer performs the transaction. Yes
transaction > userAgent Alphanumeric Max:1024 The User agent of the browser where the customer performs the transaction. Yes
transaction > extraParameters Object Additional parameters or data associated with the request. The maximum size of each extraParameters name is 64 characters.
In JSON, the extraParameters parameter follows this structure:
"extraParameters": {

In XML, the extraParameters parameter follows this structure:
transaction > threeDomainSecure Object This object contains the information of 3DS 2.0. No
transaction > threeDomainSecure > embedded Boolean Set true if you want to use and embedded MPI for the Authorization process. By default, this value is set as false. No
transaction > threeDomainSecure > eci Number Max:2 Electronic Commerce Indicator.
Value returned by the directory servers showing the authentication attempt.
This parameter is mandatory when transaction.threeDomainSecure.embedded is false and transaction.threeDomainSecure.xid has been set.
transaction > threeDomainSecure > cavv Alphanumeric Max:28 Cardholder Authentication Verification Value.
Code of the cryptogram used in the transaction authentication in Base64.
Depending on the specific ECI codes established by the process network, this value may be optional.
transaction > threeDomainSecure > xid Alphanumeric Max:28 Transaction ID sent by the MPI in Base64.
This parameter is mandatory when transaction.threeDomainSecure.embedded is false and transaction.threeDomainSecure.eci has been set.
transaction > threeDomainSecure > directoryServerTransactionId Alphanumeric Max:36 Transaction ID generated by the directory server during the authentication. No
transaction > digitalWallet Object Include this parameter when the transaction is done using a Digital Wallet. *When sending this object, all its parameters are mandatory. No
transaction > digitalWallet > type Alphanumeric —- Set this value according to the digital wallet that you are processing: GOOGLE_PAY Yes*
transaction > digitalWallet > message Alphanumeric —- Include the information of the Google Pay Token that Google will return to you for each transaction. For more information consult here. Yes*
Field Name Format Size Description
code Alphanumeric The response code of the transaction. Possible values are ERROR and SUCCESS.
error Alphanumeric Max:2048 The error message associated when the response code is ERROR.
transactionResponse Object The response data.
transactionResponse > orderId Number The generated or existing order Id in PayU.
transactionResponse > transactionId Alphanumeric 36 The identifier of the transaction in PayU.
transactionResponse > state Alphanumeric Max:32 The status of the transaction.
transactionResponse > responseCode Alphanumeric Max:64 The response code associated with the status.
transactionResponse > paymentNetworkResponseCode Alphanumeric Max:255 The response code returned by the financial network.
transactionResponse > paymentNetworkResponseErrorMessage Alphanumeric Max:255 The error message returned by the financial network.
transactionResponse > trazabilityCode Alphanumeric Max:32 The traceability code returned by the financial network.
transactionResponse > authorizationCode Alphanumeric Max:12 The authorization code returned by the financial network.
transactionResponse > responseMessage Alphanumeric Max:2048 Message associated with the response code.
transactionResponse > operationDate Date Creation date of the response in the PayU´s system.
transactionResponse > extraParameters Object Additional parameters or data associated with the response.
In JSON, the extraParameters parameter follows this structure:
"extraParameters": {

In XML, the extraParameters parameter follows this structure:
transactionResponse > additionalInfo Object Additional information associated with the response. This object follows the same structure than transactionResponse.extraParameters.


  • For payments with credit card tokens, include the parameters transaction.creditCardTokenId and transaction.creditCard.securityCode (if you process with security code) replacing the information of the credit card. For more information, refer to Tokenization API.
  • By default, processing credit cards without security code is not enabled. If you want to enable this feature, contact your Sales representative. After this feature is enabled for you, send in the request the variable creditCard.processWithoutCvv2 as true and remove the variable creditCard.securityCode.
  • The variable transaction.threeDomainSecure does not replace the card information nor any of the mandatory fields of the transaction. This object is additional and not mandatory.
  • The variable transaction.threeDomainSecure corresponds to a passthrough scenario where the commerce performs the authentication by their own.
  • For Crédito Fácil Codensa card, the number of installments supported are 1 to 12, 18, 24, 36 and 48.
  • For Crédito Fácil Codensa card, the payer can choose any of the following document types for the variable transaction.payer.dniType:
ISO Description
CC Citizenship card.
CE Foreign citizenship card.
NIT Tax identification number (Companies).
TI Identity Card.
PP Passport.
IDC Customer´s unique identifier, in the case of unique customer / utility consumer ID’s.
CEL When identified by the mobile line.
RC Birth certificate.
DE Foreign identification document.

API Call

The following are the examples of the request and response of this payment method.

Request Example:

   "language": "es",
   "command": "SUBMIT_TRANSACTION",
   "merchant": {
      "apiKey": "4Vj8eK4rloUd272L48hsrarnUA",
      "apiLogin": "pRRXKOl8ikMmt9u"
   "transaction": {
      "order": {
         "accountId": "512321",
         "referenceCode": "PRODUCT_TEST_2021-06-23T19:59:43.229Z",
         "description": "Payment test description",
         "language": "es",
         "signature": "1d6c33aed575c4974ad5c0be7c6a1c87",
         "notifyUrl": "",
         "additionalValues": {
            "TX_VALUE": {
               "value": 65000,
               "currency": "COP"
            "TX_TAX": {
               "value": 10378,
               "currency": "COP"
            "TX_TAX_RETURN_BASE": {
               "value": 54622,
               "currency": "COP"
         "buyer": {
            "merchantBuyerId": "1",
            "fullName": "First name and second buyer name",
            "emailAddress": "",
            "contactPhone": "7563126",
            "dniNumber": "123456789",
            "shippingAddress": {
               "street1": "Cr 23 No. 53-50",
               "street2": "5555487",
               "city": "Bogotá",
               "state": "Bogotá D.C.",
               "country": "CO",
               "postalCode": "000000",
               "phone": "7563126"
         "shippingAddress": {
            "street1": "Cr 23 No. 53-50",
            "street2": "5555487",
            "city": "Bogotá",
            "state": "Bogotá D.C.",
            "country": "CO",
            "postalCode": "0000000",
            "phone": "7563126"
      "payer": {
         "merchantPayerId": "1",
         "fullName": "First name and second payer name",
         "emailAddress": "",
         "contactPhone": "7563126",
         "dniNumber": "5415668464654",
         "billingAddress": {
            "street1": "Cr 23 No. 53-50",
            "street2": "125544",
            "city": "Bogotá",
            "state": "Bogotá D.C.",
            "country": "CO",
            "postalCode": "000000",
            "phone": "7563126"
      "creditCard": {
         "number": "4037997623271984",
         "securityCode": "321",
         "expirationDate": "2030/12",
         "name": "APPROVED"
      "extraParameters": {
      "paymentMethod": "VISA",
      "paymentCountry": "CO",
      "deviceSessionId": "vghs6tvkcle931686k1900o6e1",
      "ipAddress": "",
      "cookie": "pt1t38347bs6jc9ruv2ecpv7o2",
      "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0",
      "threeDomainSecure": {
         "embedded": false,
         "eci": "01",
         "cavv": "AOvG5rV058/iAAWhssPUAAADFA==",
         "xid": "Nmp3VFdWMlEwZ05pWGN3SGo4TDA=",
         "directoryServerTransactionId": "00000-70000b-5cc9-0000-000000000cb"
   "test": true

Response Example:

    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "error": null,
    "transactionResponse": {
        "orderId": 1400449660,
        "transactionId": "aa2f50b2-62a8-42de-b3be-c6fe08ec712f",
        "state": "APPROVED",
        "paymentNetworkResponseCode": "81",
        "paymentNetworkResponseErrorMessage": null,
        "trazabilityCode": "CRED - 666039677",
        "authorizationCode": "123238",
        "pendingReason": null,
        "responseCode": "APPROVED",
        "errorCode": null,
        "responseMessage": "Approved by the merchant",
        "transactionDate": null,
        "transactionTime": null,
        "operationDate": 1624461913704,
        "referenceQuestionnaire": null,
        "extraParameters": {
        "additionalInfo": {
            "paymentNetwork": "CREDIBANCO",
            "rejectionType": "NONE",
            "responseNetworkMessage": null,
            "travelAgencyAuthorizationCode": null,
            "cardType": "CREDIT",
            "transactionType": "AUTHORIZATION_AND_CAPTURE"

Request Example:

         <description>Payment test description</description>
            <fullName>First name and second buyer name</fullName>
               <street1>Cr 23 No. 53-50</street1>
               <state>Bogotá D.C.</state>
            <street1>Cr 23 No. 53-50</street1>
            <state>Bogotá D.C.</state>
         <fullName>First name and second payer name</fullName>
            <street1>Cr 23 No. 53-50</street1>
            <state>Bogotá D.C.</state>
      <userAgent>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0</userAgent>

Response Example:

        <trazabilityCode>CRED - 666116683</trazabilityCode>
        <responseMessage>Approved administrative transaction</responseMessage>

Submit Transactions Using Nequi

Nequi is a comprehensive platform of financial services that operates through a digital wallet available to millions of users via a mobile application. With Nequi, you can make payments, transfers, top-ups, and withdrawals quickly and securely, all from your personal device.

In addition to being a convenient tool for individual users, Nequi is also an innovative payment solution for businesses. By accepting payments with Nequi, your business can enjoy a series of significant advantages:

  • Increase in sales: By offering Nequi as a payment option, your business can attract new customers who prefer digital transactions. This can translate into increased sales and greater customer loyalty.

  • Greater convenience: By allowing your customers to pay with Nequi, you are providing a more versatile and faster shopping experience. Customers can make instant payments using their mobile phones, without the need for cash or physical cards.

  • Greater security: Nequi offers a secure and reliable payment environment, backed by Bancolombia, one of Colombia’s largest and most trusted financial institutions. This provides peace of mind to both merchants and customers, as transactions are conducted securely and protected.

Payment Process with Nequi

The payment flow with Nequi is designed to be simple and agile for the user. The process includes 4 steps:

  1. Selection of payment method: The customer, at the time of making the purchase, chooses Nequi as their preferred payment method among the available options.

  2. Generation of push notification: Automatically, the system generates a push notification that is sent to the customer’s Nequi mobile application.

  3. Acceptance of notification: The customer receives the notification in their Nequi application and proceeds to accept it to confirm the transaction.

  4. Entry of Nequi PIN: To complete the operation, the customer enters their personal Nequi PIN to authenticate and authorize the payment.

User Experience

This section outlines the necessary elements for an optimal user experience when using Nequi as a payment method:

  1. Request the buyer’s name and email address, for example:

  1. Present Nequi as a payment method and request the phone number associated with the Nequi account, for example:

  1. Provide a detailed summary of the payment.

  1. Outline the steps to follow to facilitate the payment process for the buyer. PayU’s summary page already includes these instructions, but if you are creating a customized page, we recommend displaying the steps to complete the process through Nequi. For example:

Parameters for Request and Response

Field Name Format Size Description Mandatory
language Alphanumeric 2 Language used in the request, this language is used to display generated error messages. Check supported languages. Yes
command Alphanumeric Max:32 Set to SUBMIT_TRANSACTION. Yes
test (JSON)
isTest (XML)
Boolean Set to true if the request is in test mode. Otherwise, set to false. Yes
merchant Object This object contains authentication data. Yes
merchant > apiLogin Alphanumeric Min:12 Max:32 Username or login provided by PayU. Yes
merchant > apiKey Alphanumeric Min:6 Max:32 Password provided by PayU. Yes
transaction Object This object contains transaction data. Yes
transaction > order Object This object contains order data. Yes
transaction > order > accountId Number Your account identifier. Yes
transaction > order > referenceCode Alphanumeric Min:1 Max:255 Represents the order identifier in your system. Yes
transaction > order > description Alphanumeric Min:1 Max:255 Description of the order. Yes
transaction > order > language Alphanumeric 2 Language used in emails sent to the buyer and seller. Yes
transaction > order > notifyUrl Alphanumeric Max:2048 Order confirmation URL. No
transaction > order > partnerId Alphanumeric Max:255 PayU partner ID. No
transaction > order > signature Alphanumeric Max:255 Form associated signature. For more information, see Authentication Signature. Yes
transaction > order > shippingAddress Object Shipping address. No
transaction > order > shippingAddress > street1 Alphanumeric Max:100 Address line 1. No
transaction > order > shippingAddress > street2 Alphanumeric Max:100 Address line 2. No
transaction > order > shippingAddress > city Alphanumeric Max:50 City of the address. No
transaction > order > shippingAddress > state Alphanumeric Max:40 State of the address. No
transaction > order > shippingAddress > country Alphanumeric 2 Country of the address. No
transaction > order > shippingAddress > postalCode Alphanumeric Max:8 Postal code of the address. No
transaction > order > shippingAddress > phone Alphanumeric Max:11 Phone number associated with the address. No
transaction > order > buyer Object Buyer information. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > merchantBuyerId Alphanumeric Max:100 Buyer ID in your system. No
transaction > order > buyer > fullName Alphanumeric Max:150 Buyer’s full name. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > emailAddress Alphanumeric Max:255 Buyer’s email address. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > contactPhone Alphanumeric Max:20 Buyer’s phone number. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > dniNumber Alphanumeric Max:20 Buyer’s identification number. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress Object Buyer’s shipping address. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > street1 Alphanumeric Max:150 Buyer’s shipping address line 1. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > city Alphanumeric Max:50 Buyer’s shipping address city. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > state Alphanumeric Max:40 Buyer’s shipping address state. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > country Alphanumeric 2 Buyer’s shipping address country in ISO 3166 alpha-2 format. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > postalCode Number Max:20 Buyer’s shipping address postal code. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > phone Number Max:20 Buyer’s shipping address phone number. Yes
transaction > order > additionalValues Alphanumeric 64 Order amount and associated values. Yes
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_VALUE Alphanumeric 64 Transaction amount. Yes
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_VALUE > value Number 12, 2 Specifies the transaction amount. This amount cannot include decimals. Yes
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_VALUE > currency Alphanumeric 3 ISO currency code. Check accepted currencies. No
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_TAX Alphanumeric 64 Value-added tax (VAT) amount. Yes
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_TAX > value Number 12, 2 Specifies the VAT amount. If this parameter is not configured, PayU applies the current tax value (19%). If the amount has no VAT, send 0. This value can have two decimal digits. No
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_TAX > currency Alphanumeric 3 ISO currency code. Check accepted currencies. No
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_TAX_RETURN_BASE Alphanumeric 64 Base value for calculating VAT. If the amount has no VAT, send 0. This value can have two decimal digits. No
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_TAX_RETURN_BASE > value Number 12, 2 Specifies the transaction base amount. No
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_TAX_RETURN_BASE > currency Alphanumeric 3 ISO currency code. Check accepted currencies. No
transaction > payer Object Payer information. Yes
transaction > payer > emailAddress Alphanumeric Max:255 Payer’s email address. Yes
transaction > payer > merchantPayerId Alphanumeric Max:100 Payer’s identifier in your system. No
transaction > payer > fullName Alphanumeric Max:150 Payer’s name. Yes
transaction > payer > billingAddress Object Billing address. Yes
transaction > payer > billingAddress > street1 Alphanumeric Max:100 Billing address line 1. Yes
transaction > payer > billingAddress > street2 Alphanumeric Max:100 Billing address line 2. No
transaction > payer > billingAddress > city Alphanumeric Max:50 Billing address city. Yes
transaction > payer > billingAddress > state Alphanumeric Max:40 Billing address state. No
transaction > payer > billingAddress > country Alphanumeric 2 Billing address country in ISO 3166 alpha-2 format. Yes
transaction > payer > billingAddress > postalCode Alphanumeric Max:20 Billing address postal code. No
transaction > payer > billingAddress > phone Alphanumeric Max:20 Billing address phone number. No
transaction > payer > birthdate Alphanumeric Max:10 Payer’s date of birth. No
transaction > payer > contactPhone Alphanumeric Max:20 Payer’s phone number. This is the number to be used for payment in Nequi. Yes
transaction > payer > dniNumber Alphanumeric Max:20 Payer’s identification number. Yes
transaction > payer > dniType Alphanumeric 2 Buyer’s identification type. Check document types. No
transaction > type Alphanumeric 32 Assign this value according to the transaction. For Colombia, assign AUTHORIZATION_AND_CAPTURE. Yes
transaction > paymentMethod Alphanumeric 32 Set NEQUI for Nequi Payment Method. Yes
transaction > paymentCountry Alphanumeric 2 Set CO for Colombia. Yes
transaction > deviceSessionId Alphanumeric Max:255 Device session identifier where the client performs the transaction. For more information, see this section. Yes
transaction > ipAddress Alphanumeric Max:39 IP address of the device where the client performs the transaction. Yes
transaction > cookie Alphanumeric Max:255 Cookie stored by the device where the client performs the transaction. Yes
transaction > userAgent Alphanumeric Max:1024 Browser user agent where the client performs the transaction. Yes
Field Name Format Size Description
code Alphanumeric Transaction response code. Possible values are ERROR and SUCCESS.
error Alphanumeric Max:2048 Error message associated when the response code is ERROR.
transactionResponse Object Response data.
transactionResponse > orderId Number Order identifier generated or existing in PayU.
transactionResponse > transactionId Alphanumeric 36 Transaction identifier in PayU.
transactionResponse > state Alphanumeric Max:32 Transaction state.
transactionResponse > responseCode Alphanumeric Max:64 Response code associated with the state.
transactionResponse > pendingReason Alphanumeric Max:64 Pending reason of the transaction.
transactionResponse > paymentNetworkResponseCode Alphanumeric Max:255 Response code returned by the financial network.
transactionResponse > paymentNetworkResponseErrorMessage Alphanumeric Max:255 Error message returned by the financial network.
transactionResponse > trazabilityCode Alphanumeric Max:32 Trazability code returned by the financial network.
transactionResponse > authorizationCode Alphanumeric Max:12 Authorization code returned by the financial network.
transactionResponse > responseMessage Alphanumeric Max:2048 Message associated with the response code.
transactionResponse > operationDate Date Creation date of the response in the PayU system.
transactionResponse > extraParameters Object Additional parameters or data associated with the response.
  • In JSON, the extraParameters parameter follows this structure: "extraParameters": { "URL_PAYMENT_RECEIPT_HTML": ""}
  • In XML, the extraParameters parameter follows this structure: <extraParameters> <entry>  <string>URL_PAYMENT_RECEIPT_HTML</string>  <string></string> </entry></extraParameters>
    Note: Consider that you can leverage this URL to redirect the user to a PayU page with a summary of the purchase, as seen in User Experience.
  • transactionResponse > additionalInfo Object Additional information associated with the response. This object follows the same structure as transactionResponse.extraParameters.

    API Call

    The following are the request and response bodies for this payment method:

    Request Example:

       "language": "es",
       "command": "SUBMIT_TRANSACTION",
       "merchant": {
          "apiKey": "4Vj8eK4rloUd272L48hsrarnUA",
          "apiLogin": "pRRXKOl8ikMmt9u"
       "transaction": {
          "order": {
             "accountId": "512321",
             "referenceCode": "PRODUCT_TEST_2024-01-18T19:59:43.229Z",
             "description": "Payment test description",
             "language": "es",
             "signature": "1d6c33aed575c4974ad5c0be7c6a1c87",
             "notifyUrl": "",
             "additionalValues": {
                "TX_VALUE": {
                   "value": 65000,
                   "currency": "COP"
                "TX_TAX": {
                   "value": 10378,
                   "currency": "COP"
                "TX_TAX_RETURN_BASE": {
                   "value": 54622,
                   "currency": "COP"
             "buyer": {
                "merchantBuyerId": "1",
                "fullName": "First name and second buyer name",
                "emailAddress": "",
                "contactPhone": "57 3007777777",
                "dniNumber": "123456789",
                "shippingAddress": {
                   "street1": "Cr 23 No. 53-50",
                   "street2": "5555487",
                   "city": "Bogotá",
                   "state": "Bogotá D.C.",
                   "country": "CO",
                   "postalCode": "000000",
                   "phone": "57 3007777777"
             "shippingAddress": {
                "street1": "Cr 23 No. 53-50",
                "street2": "5555487",
                "city": "Bogotá",
                "state": "Bogotá D.C.",
                "country": "CO",
                "postalCode": "0000000",
                "phone": "7563126"
          "payer": {
             "merchantPayerId": "1",
             "fullName": "First name and second payer name",
             "emailAddress": "",
             "contactPhone": "57 3007777777",
             "dniNumber": "5415668464654",
             "billingAddress": {
                "street1": "Cr 23 No. 53-50",
                "street2": "125544",
                "city": "Bogotá",
                "state": "Bogotá D.C.",
                "country": "CO",
                "postalCode": "000000",
                "phone": "57 3007777777"
          "type": "AUTHORIZATION_AND_CAPTURE",
          "paymentMethod": "NEQUI",
          "paymentCountry": "CO",
          "deviceSessionId": "vghs6tvkcle931686k1900o6e1",
          "ipAddress": "",
          "cookie": "pt1t38347bs6jc9ruv2ecpv7o2",
          "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0"
       "test": false

    Response Example:

        "code": "SUCCESS",
        "error": null,
        "transactionResponse": {
            "orderId": 2151135729,
            "transactionId": "fe667b48-e685-40b3-8863-9a0cd8257860",
            "state": "PENDING",
            "paymentNetworkResponseCode": "0",
            "paymentNetworkResponseErrorMessage": null,
            "trazabilityCode": "3ba38ac9-3d68-48ef-bf86-b6c121404162",
            "authorizationCode": null,
            "pendingReason": "AWAITING_PAYMENT_IN_ENTITY",
            "responseCode": "PENDING_PAYMENT_IN_ENTITY",
            "errorCode": null,
            "responseMessage": "SUCCESS",
            "transactionDate": null,
            "transactionTime": null,
            "operationDate": 1705670262058,
            "referenceQuestionnaire": null,
            "extraParameters": null,
            "additionalInfo": null

    Request Example:

          <description>Payment test description</description>
            <fullName>First name and second buyer name</fullName>
            <contactPhone>57 3007777777</contactPhone>
              <street1>Cr 23 No. 53-50</street1>
              <state>Bogotá D.C.</state>
              <phone>57 3007777777</phone>
            <street1>Cr 23 No. 53-50</street1>
            <state>Bogot√° D.C.</state>
          <fullName>First name and second payer name</fullName>
          <contactPhone>57 3007777777</contactPhone>
            <street1>Cr 23 No. 53-50</street1>
            <state>Bogotá D.C.</state>
            <phone>57 3007777777</phone>
        <userAgent>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0</userAgent>

    Response Example:


    Supported Phone Number Formats

    When using API integrations, transactions may fail when the system receives user phone numbers that:

    1. Contain whitespace.
    2. Are not separated from the country code.
    3. Contain more or less than 10 digits (excluding the country code).

    Currently, the integration does not provide a mechanism to automatically correct the format of the phone number that the user enters. The table below shows examples of phone number formats and their compatibility with the integration:

    Phone Number Format Example Compatibility Details
    57 3007777777 Compatible format The country code (57) is separated from the mobile number.
    3007777777 Compatible format The mobile number has no spaces and is 10 digits long.
    573007777777 Incompatible format The mobile number and the country code (57) are not separated.
    57 300 7777777 Incompatible format The mobile number has spaces.


    To prevent errors caused by incompatible phone number formats, we recommend implementing the following features in the user experience:

    1. Implement an interface that automatically creates separator spaces in the mobile number as the user enters it, making the number easier to read and reducing the likelihood of manual entry errors. Ensure that these spaces are visible at the interface level while configuring your system to remove them at the backend level.
    • Interface example:


    1. Configure error messages to display when a user enters a phone number with less than 10 digits or more than 10 digits (excluding the country code, which is +57 for Colombia).
    • A) Example of an interface displaying automatically generated spaces when the user has entered fewer than 10 digits:


    • B) Example of an interface without spaces when the user has entered more than 10 digits:


    Sandbox Environment Testing

    To test Nequi transactions in the PayU Sandbox environment, use the following data:

    Phone number Authorization behavior Query behavior
    (Approximately 5 minutes after authorization)
    3006666666 Transaction rejected - Client not found on database N/A
    3007777777 Transaction pending Transaction approved
    3007777776 Transaction pending Transaction declined
    3007777775 Transaction pending Transaction pending
    3007777774 Transaction pending Transaction failed
    3007777772 Transaction pending Transaction expired

    You can check the transaction status through the Queries API.

    Submit Transactions Using Cash or Bank Reference

    This method allows you to process customer payments in cash or through a bank reference. To integrate this payment method, redirect the customer to the URL provided in the method’s response. Your customer will then see a payment receipt as shown below.

    Payments in Cash


    Payments with Bank Reference


    Parameters for Request and Response

    Field Name Format Size Description Mandatory
    language Alphanumeric 2 Language used in the request, this language is used to display the error messages generated. See supported languages. Yes
    command Alphanumeric Max:32 Set SUBMIT_TRANSACTION. Yes
    test (JSON)
    isTest (XML)
    Boolean Set true if the request is in test mode. Otherwise, set false. Yes
    merchant Object This object has the authentication data. Yes
    merchant > apiLogin Alphanumeric Min:12 Max:32 User or login provided by PayU. How do I get my API Login Yes
    merchant > apiKey Alphanumeric Min:6 Max:32 Password provided by PayU. How do I get my API Key Yes
    transaction Object This object has the transaction data. Yes
    transaction > order Object This object has the order data. Yes
    transaction > order > accountId Number Identifier of your account. Yes
    transaction > order > referenceCode Alphanumeric Min:1 Max:255 Represents the identifier of the order in your system. Yes
    transaction > order > description Alphanumeric Min:1 Max:255 Description of the order. Yes
    transaction > order > language Alphanumeric 2 Language used in emails sent to the buyer and the seller. Yes
    transaction > order > notifyUrl Alphanumeric Max:2048 Confirmation URL of the order. No
    transaction > order > partnerId Alphanumeric Max:255 Partner ID in PayU. No
    transaction > order > signature Alphanumeric Max:255 The signature associated to the form. For more information refer Authentication signature. Yes
    transaction > order > shippingAddress Object Shipping address. No
    transaction > order > shippingAddress > street1 Alphanumeric Max:100 Address Line 1. No
    transaction > order > shippingAddress > street2 Alphanumeric Max:100 Address Line 2. No
    transaction > order > shippingAddress > city Alphanumeric Max:50 Address city. No
    transaction > order > shippingAddress > state Alphanumeric Max:40 Address State. No
    transaction > order > shippingAddress > country Alphanumeric 2 Address country. No
    transaction > order > shippingAddress > postalCode Alphanumeric Max:8 Address Zip code. No
    transaction > order > shippingAddress > phone Alphanumeric Max:11 Phone number associated to the address. No
    transaction > order > buyer Object Buyer information. Yes
    transaction > order > buyer > merchantBuyerId Alphanumeric Max:100 Buyer ID in your system. No
    transaction > order > buyer > fullName Alphanumeric Max:150 Full name of the buyer. Yes
    transaction > order > buyer > emailAddress Alphanumeric Max:255 E-mail of the buyer. Yes
    transaction > order > buyer > contactPhone Alphanumeric Max:20 Phone number of the buyer. Yes
    transaction > order > buyer > dniNumber Alphanumeric Max:20 Identification number of the buyer. Yes
    transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress Alphanumeric Shipping address of the buyer. Yes
    transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > street1 Alphanumeric Max:150 Buyer’s shipping address Line 1. Yes
    transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > city Alphanumeric Max:50 Buyer’s shipping address city. Yes
    transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > state Alphanumeric Max:40 Buyer’s shipping address state. Yes
    transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > country Alphanumeric 2 Buyer’s shipping address country in format ISO 3166 alpha-2. Yes
    transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > postalCode Number Max:20 Buyer’s shipping address zip code. Yes
    transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > phone Number Max:20 Buyer’s shipping address phone number. Yes
    transaction > order > additionalValues > Object 64 Amount of the order or its associated values. Yes
    transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_VALUE Alphanumeric 64 Amount of the transaction. Yes
    transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_VALUE > value Number 12, 2 Specifies the amount of the transaction. This amount cannot include decimals. Yes
    transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_VALUE > currency Alphanumeric 3 ISO code of the currency. See accepted currencies. Yes
    transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_TAX Alphanumeric 64 Amount of the Value Added Tax (IVA - Impuesto al Valor Agregado). Yes
    transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_TAX > value Number 12, 2 Specifies the amount of the IVA.
    If this parameter is not set, PayU applies the current tax value (19%).
    If the amount does not have IVA, send 0.
    This value may have two decimal digits
    transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_TAX > currency Alphanumeric 3 ISO code of the currency. See accepted currencies. No
    transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_TAX_RETURN_BASE Alphanumeric 64 Base value to calculate the IVA.
    If the amount does not have IVA, send 0.
    This value may have two decimal digits
    transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_TAX_RETURN_BASE > value Number 12, 2 Specifies the base amount of the transaction. No
    transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_TAX_RETURN_BASE > currency Alphanumeric 3 ISO code of the currency. See accepted currencies. No
    transaction > payer Object Payer information. Yes
    transaction > payer > emailAddress Alphanumeric Max:255 Payer e-mail address. Yes
    transaction > payer > merchantPayerId Alphanumeric Max:100 Identifier of the payer in your system. No
    transaction > payer > fullName Alphanumeric Max:150 Name of the payer. Yes
    transaction > payer > billingAddress Object Billing address. Yes
    transaction > payer > billingAddress > street1 Alphanumeric Max:100 Billing Address Line 1. Yes
    transaction > payer > billingAddress > street2 Alphanumeric Max:100 Billing Address Line 2. No
    transaction > payer > billingAddress > city Alphanumeric Max:50 Billing address city. Yes
    transaction > payer > billingAddress > state Alphanumeric Max:40 Billing address state. Yes
    transaction > payer > billingAddress > country Alphanumeric 2 Billing address country in format ISO 3166 Alpha-2. Yes
    transaction > payer > billingAddress > postalCode Alphanumeric Max:20 Billing address zip code. No
    transaction > payer > billingAddress > phone Alphanumeric Max:20 Billing address phone number. No
    transaction > payer > birthdate Alphanumeric Max:10 Payer’s date of birth. No
    transaction > payer > contactPhone Alphanumeric Max:20 Payer’s phone number. Yes
    transaction > payer > dniNumber Alphanumeric Max:20 Identification number of the buyer. Yes
    transaction > payer > dniType Alphanumeric 2 Identification type of the buyer. See Document types. No
    transaction > type Alphanumeric 32 As cash and Bank reference payments are performed in physical offices, la única transacción disponible es AUTHORIZATION_AND_CAPTURE Yes
    transaction > paymentMethod Alphanumeric 32 Select a valid Payment Method in cash or Bank Reference. See the available Payment Methods for Colombia. Yes
    transaction > paymentCountry Alphanumeric 2 Set CO for Colombia. Yes
    transaction > expirationDate Alphanumeric 23 Maximum date and time that the payer has to make the payment. Format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS, for example 2021-06-12T16:07:11.586. No
    transaction > ipAddress Alphanumeric Max:39 IP address of the device where the customer performs the transaction. Yes
    Field Name Format Size Description
    code Alphanumeric The response code of the transaction. Possible values are ERROR and SUCCESS.
    error Alphanumeric Max:2048 The error message associated when the response code is ERROR.
    transactionResponse Object The response data.
    transactionResponse > orderId Number The generated or existing order Id in PayU.
    transactionResponse > transactionId Alphanumeric 36 The identifier of the transaction in PayU.
    transactionResponse > state Alphanumeric Max:32 The status of the transaction. As the payment is performed by the user in a physical office, the state for a successful transaction is PENDING
    transactionResponse > paymentNetworkResponseCode Alphanumeric Max:255 The response code returned by the financial network.
    transactionResponse > paymentNetworkResponseErrorMessage Alphanumeric Max:255 The error message returned by the financial network.
    transactionResponse > trazabilityCode Alphanumeric Max:32 The traceability code returned by the financial network.
    transactionResponse > authorizationCode Alphanumeric Max:12 The authorization code returned by the financial network.
    transactionResponse > pendingReason Alphanumeric Max:21 The reason code associated with the status, as mentioned in transactionResponse > state, the transaction is waiting for the payment.
    transactionResponse > responseCode Alphanumeric Max:64 The response code associated with the status. In this case, for successful transactions is PENDING_TRANSACTION_CONFIRMATION.
    transactionResponse > responseMessage Alphanumeric Max:2048 Message associated with the response code.
    transactionResponse > operationDate Date Creation date of the response in the PayU´s system.
    transactionResponse > extraParameters Object Additional parameters or data associated with the response.
    In JSON, the extraParameters parameter follows this structure:
    "extraParameters": {
    "REFERENCE": "74794"

    In XML, the extraParameters parameter follows this structure:
    transactionResponse > additionalInfo Object Additional information associated with the response. This object follows the same structure than transactionResponse.extraParameters.


    • The parameter transaction.expirationDate is not mandatory. If you don’t send this parameter, its default value is seven (7) days after the current date.
      If you send a date later than the default number of days, PayU will ignore this value and the expiration will be set as default.
    • For EFECTY, the confirmation of the payment takes 15 minutes. For BANK_REFERENCED and OTHERS_CASH (Su Red), the confirmation is online.
    • The minimum and maximum values for EFECTY, and OTHERS_CASH (Su Red) are:
      • EFECTY > Min: $20.000 COP - Max: $6.000.000 COP
      • OTHERS_CASH (Su Red) > Min: $1.000 COP - Max: $4.000.000 COP
    • The parameter transactionResponse.extraParameters has the following parameters related to the transaction:
      • EXPIRATION_DATE: maximum term for the payer to perform the payment.
      • REFERENCE: internal payment reference generated by PayU.
      • URL_PAYMENT_RECEIPT_HTML: payment receipt in HTML format. This is where you need to redirect the payment when the payer selects cash payment.
      • URL_PAYMENT_RECEIPT_PDF: payment receipt in PDF format.
      • BANCO_BOGOTA_SERVICE_CODE: payment code for Banco de Bogotá. Available when using BANK_REFERENCED.
      • BANK_REFERENCED_NAME: Reference name for Bancolombia. Available when using BANK_REFERENCED.
      • BANCOLOMBIA_SERVICE_CODE: payment code for Bancolombia. Available when using BANK_REFERENCED.

    API Call

    The following are the bodies of the request and response of this payment method.

    Request Example:

       "language": "es",
       "command": "SUBMIT_TRANSACTION",
       "merchant": {
          "apiKey": "4Vj8eK4rloUd272L48hsrarnUA",
          "apiLogin": "pRRXKOl8ikMmt9u"
       "transaction": {
          "order": {
             "accountId": "512321",
             "referenceCode": "PRODUCT_TEST_2021-06-23T19:59:43.229Z",
             "description": "Payment test description",
             "language": "es",
             "signature": "1d6c33aed575c4974ad5c0be7c6a1c87",
             "notifyUrl": "",
             "additionalValues": {
                "TX_VALUE": {
                   "value": 65000,
                   "currency": "COP"
                "TX_TAX": {
                   "value": 10378,
                   "currency": "COP"
                "TX_TAX_RETURN_BASE": {
                   "value": 54622,
                   "currency": "COP"
             "buyer": {
                "merchantBuyerId": "1",
                "fullName": "First name and second buyer name",
                "emailAddress": "",
                "contactPhone": "7563126",
                "dniNumber": "123456789",
                "shippingAddress": {
                   "street1": "Cr 23 No. 53-50",
                   "street2": "5555487",
                   "city": "Bogotá",
                   "state": "Bogotá D.C.",
                   "country": "CO",
                   "postalCode": "000000",
                   "phone": "7563126"
             "shippingAddress": {
                "street1": "Cr 23 No. 53-50",
                "street2": "5555487",
                "city": "Bogotá",
                "state": "Bogotá D.C.",
                "country": "CO",
                "postalCode": "0000000",
                "phone": "7563126"
          "payer": {
             "merchantPayerId": "1",
             "fullName": "First name and second payer name",
             "emailAddress": "",
             "contactPhone": "7563126",
             "dniNumber": "5415668464654",
             "billingAddress": {
                "street1": "Cr 23 No. 53-50",
                "street2": "125544",
                "city": "Bogotá",
                "state": "Bogotá D.C.",
                "country": "CO",
                "postalCode": "000000",
                "phone": "7563126"
          "type": "AUTHORIZATION_AND_CAPTURE",
          "paymentMethod": "EFECTY",
          "expirationDate": "2021-06-24T20:58:35.804",
          "paymentCountry": "CO",
          "ipAddress": ""
       "test": false

    Response Example:

        "code": "SUCCESS",
        "error": null,
        "transactionResponse": {
            "orderId": 1400449740,
            "transactionId": "f3531b6a-3e30-4a8b-8a69-d4a5bd2a3377",
            "state": "PENDING",
            "paymentNetworkResponseCode": null,
            "paymentNetworkResponseErrorMessage": null,
            "trazabilityCode": "f3531b6a-3e30-4a8b-8a69-d4a5bd2a3377",
            "authorizationCode": null,
            "pendingReason": "AWAITING_NOTIFICATION",
            "responseCode": "PENDING_TRANSACTION_CONFIRMATION",
            "errorCode": null,
            "responseMessage": null,
            "transactionDate": null,
            "transactionTime": null,
            "operationDate": 1624463917065,
            "referenceQuestionnaire": null,
            "extraParameters": {
                "EXPIRATION_DATE": 1624568315804,
                "REFERENCE": 1400449740,
                "URL_PAYMENT_RECEIPT_PDF": "",
                "URL_PAYMENT_RECEIPT_HTML": ""
            "additionalInfo": {
                "paymentNetwork": "EFECTY",
                "rejectionType": "NONE",
                "responseNetworkMessage": null,
                "travelAgencyAuthorizationCode": null,
                "cardType": null,
                "transactionType": "AUTHORIZATION_AND_CAPTURE"

    Request Example:

             <description>Payment test description</description>
                <fullName>First name and second buyer name</fullName>
                   <street1>Cr 23 No. 53-50</street1>
                   <state>Bogotá D.C.</state>
                <street1>Cr 23 No. 53-50</street1>
                <state>Bogotá D.C.</state>
             <fullName>First name and second payer name</fullName>
                <street1>Cr 23 No. 53-50</street1>
                <state>Bogotá D.C.</state>

    Response Example:


    Submit Transactions Using Bank Transfer (PSE)

    This method lets you process the bank transfer payments of your customers. In Colombia, bank transfers are made through PSE, to perform an integration with this payment method, you need to create a Payment form following these steps:

    1. Include a PSE button making clear that your customer will use Proveedor de Servicios Electrónicos PSE.
    • You can use the following names in Spanish:
      • Débito desde cuenta corriente/ahorros
      • Débito bancario PSE
      • PSE
    • Do not use any of the following names:
      • Transferencia bancaria
      • Débito de cuenta
      • Tarjeta débito
    1. Query the available bank list to show them to the payer. To query the bank list, refer to this method.
      You must update the the bank list in your system once a day.

    2. Show the list of banks as displayed below:


    When the payer selects a bank, you must send the parameter pseCode of the selection in the extra parameter FINANCIAL_INSTITUTION_CODE in the request.

    1. Show a list to let the payer choose whether they are a Natural (N) or Legal (J) person. Depending on what the payer choose, you must send the value in the extra parameter USER_TYPE in the request. The list must be displayed as follows:


    1. Show a list to let the payer choose their identification type. You must send the ISO code of the value selected in the extra parameter PSE_REFERENCE2 in the request. The list must be displayed as follows:


    The list of available documents is:

    ISO Description
    CC Citizenship card.
    CE Foreign citizenship card.
    NIT Tax identification number (Companies).
    TI Identity Card.
    PP Passport.
    RC Birth certificate.
    DE Foreign identification document.
    1. You must send the payer identification number in the extra parameter PSE_REFERENCE3 in the request.

    Parameters for Request and Response

    Field Name Format Size Description Mandatory
    language Alphanumeric 2 Language used in the request, this language is used to display the error messages generated. See supported languages. Yes
    command Alphanumeric Max:32 Set SUBMIT_TRANSACTION. Yes
    test (JSON)
    isTest (XML)
    Boolean Set true if the request is in test mode. Otherwise, set false. Yes
    merchant Object This object has the authentication data. Yes
    merchant > apiLogin Alphanumeric Min:12 Max:32 User or login provided by PayU. How do I get my API Login Yes
    merchant > apiKey Alphanumeric Min:6 Max:32 Password provided by PayU. How do I get my API Key Yes
    transaction Object This object has the transaction data. Yes
    transaction > order Object This object has the order data. Yes
    transaction > order > accountId Number Identifier of your account. Yes
    transaction > order > referenceCode Alphanumeric Min:1 Max:255 Represents the identifier of the order in your system. Yes
    transaction > order > description Alphanumeric Min:1 Max:255 Description of the order. Yes
    transaction > order > language Alphanumeric 2 Language used in emails sent to the buyer and the seller. Yes
    transaction > order > notifyUrl Alphanumeric Max:2048 Confirmation URL of the order. No
    transaction > order > partnerId Alphanumeric Max:255 Partner ID in PayU. No
    transaction > order > signature Alphanumeric Max:255 The signature associated to the form. For more information refer Authentication signature. Yes
    transaction > order > shippingAddress Object Shipping address. No
    transaction > order > shippingAddress > street1 Alphanumeric Max:100 Address Line 1. No
    transaction > order > shippingAddress > street2 Alphanumeric Max:100 Address Line 2. No
    transaction > order > shippingAddress > city Alphanumeric Max:50 Address city. No
    transaction > order > shippingAddress > state Alphanumeric Max:40 Address State. No
    transaction > order > shippingAddress > country Alphanumeric 2 Address country. No
    transaction > order > shippingAddress > postalCode Alphanumeric Max:8 Address Zip code. No
    transaction > order > shippingAddress > phone Alphanumeric Max:11 Phone number associated to the address. No
    transaction > order > buyer Object Buyer information. Yes
    transaction > order > buyer > merchantBuyerId Alphanumeric Max:100 Buyer ID in your system. No
    transaction > order > buyer > fullName Alphanumeric Max:150 Full name of the buyer. Yes
    transaction > order > buyer > emailAddress Alphanumeric Max:255 E-mail of the buyer. Yes
    transaction > order > buyer > contactPhone Alphanumeric Max:20 Phone number of the buyer. Yes
    transaction > order > buyer > dniNumber Alphanumeric Max:20 Identification number of the buyer. Yes
    transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress Alphanumeric Shipping address of the buyer. Yes
    transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > street1 Alphanumeric Max:150 Buyer’s shipping address Line 1. Yes
    transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > city Alphanumeric Max:50 Buyer’s shipping address city. Yes
    transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > state Alphanumeric Max:40 Buyer’s shipping address state. Yes
    transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > country Alphanumeric 2 Buyer’s shipping address country in format ISO 3166 alpha-2. Yes
    transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > postalCode Number Max:20 Buyer’s shipping address zip code. Yes
    transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > phone Number Max:20 Buyer’s shipping address phone number. Yes
    transaction > order > additionalValues > Object 64 Amount of the order or its associated values. Yes
    transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_VALUE Alphanumeric 64 Amount of the transaction. Yes
    transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_VALUE > value Number 12, 2 Specifies the amount of the transaction. This amount cannot include decimals. Yes
    transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_VALUE > currency Alphanumeric 3 ISO code of the currency. See accepted currencies. Yes
    transaction > payer Object Payer information. Yes
    transaction > payer > emailAddress Alphanumeric Max:255 Payer e-mail address. Yes
    transaction > payer > merchantPayerId Alphanumeric Max:100 Identifier of the payer in your system. No
    transaction > payer > fullName Alphanumeric Max:150 Name of the payer. Yes
    transaction > payer > billingAddress Object Billing address. Yes
    transaction > payer > billingAddress > street1 Alphanumeric Max:100 Billing Address Line 1. Yes
    transaction > payer > billingAddress > street2 Alphanumeric Max:100 Billing Address Line 2. No
    transaction > payer > billingAddress > city Alphanumeric Max:50 Billing address city. Yes
    transaction > payer > billingAddress > state Alphanumeric Max:40 Billing address state. No
    transaction > payer > billingAddress > country Alphanumeric 2 Billing address country in format ISO 3166 Alpha-2. Yes
    transaction > payer > billingAddress > postalCode Alphanumeric Max:20 Billing address zip code. No
    transaction > payer > billingAddress > phone Alphanumeric Max:20 Billing address phone number. No
    transaction > payer > birthdate Alphanumeric Max:10 Payer’s date of birth. No
    transaction > payer > contactPhone Alphanumeric Max:20 Payer’s phone number. Yes
    transaction > payer > dniNumber Alphanumeric Max:20 Identification number of the buyer. Yes
    transaction > payer > dniType Alphanumeric 2 Identification type of the buyer. See Document types. Yes
    transaction > type Alphanumeric 32 As these payments are performed in PSE webpage, la única transacción disponible es AUTHORIZATION_AND_CAPTURE Yes
    transaction > paymentMethod Alphanumeric 32 Select a valid Payment Method in bank transfer. See the available Payment Methods for Colombia. Yes
    transaction > paymentCountry Alphanumeric 2 Set CO for Colombia. Yes
    transaction > deviceSessionId Alphanumeric Max:255 Session identifier of the device where the customer performs the transaction. For more information, refer to this topic. Yes
    transaction > ipAddress Alphanumeric Max:39 IP address of the device where the customer performs the transaction. Yes
    transaction > cookie Alphanumeric Max:255 Cookie stored by the device where the customer performs the transaction. Yes
    transaction > userAgent Alphanumeric Max:1024 The User agent of the browser where the customer performs the transaction. Yes
    transaction > extraParameters Object Additional parameters or data associated with the request.
    For bank transfer payments, this is the response page of your commerce.
    In JSON, the extraParameters parameter is set as:
    "extraParameters": {
    "PSE_REFERENCE3": "123456789"

    In XML, the extraParameters parameter is set as:
    Field Name Format Size Description
    code Alphanumeric The response code of the transaction. Possible values are ERROR and SUCCESS.
    error Alphanumeric Max:2048 The error message associated when the response code is ERROR.
    transactionResponse Object The response data.
    transactionResponse > orderId Number The generated or existing order Id in PayU.
    transactionResponse > transactionId Alphanumeric 36 The identifier of the transaction in PayU.
    transactionResponse > state Alphanumeric Max:32 The status of the transaction. As the payment is performed by the user in a physical office, the state for a successful transaction is PENDING
    transactionResponse > paymentNetworkResponseCode Alphanumeric Max:255 The response code returned by the financial network.
    transactionResponse > paymentNetworkResponseErrorMessage Alphanumeric Max:255 The error message returned by the financial network.
    transactionResponse > trazabilityCode Alphanumeric Max:32 The traceability code returned by the financial network.
    transactionResponse > authorizationCode Alphanumeric Max:12 The authorization code returned by the financial network.
    transactionResponse > pendingReason Alphanumeric Max:21 The reason code associated with the status, as mentioned in transactionResponse > state, the transaction is waiting for the payment.
    transactionResponse > responseCode Alphanumeric Max:64 The response code associated with the status. In this case, for successful transactions is PENDING_TRANSACTION_CONFIRMATION.
    transactionResponse > responseMessage Alphanumeric Max:2048 Message associated with the response code.
    transactionResponse > operationDate Date Creation date of the response in the PayU´s system.
    transactionResponse > extraParameters Object Additional parameters or data associated with the response.
    In JSON, the extraParameters parameter follows this structure:
    "extraParameters": {
    "BANK_URL": "xxxx"

    In XML, the extraParameters parameter follows this structure:


    • To test PSE bank transfers in the PayU Sandbox environment, see the PSE Test Guide (PDF).
    • All the payment process values must be formatted in thousands (i.e., 1,200.00 or 1,200) without exception.
    • If the payment request is successful, the transaction has state PENDING and responseCode PENDING_TRANSACTION_CONFIRMATION; this is because the payer is redirected to the selected bank to complete the payment; you must redirect the payer to the URL returned in the extra parameter BANK_URL.
    • The URL returned in the extra parameter BANK_URL is configured in the PayU Module and must show the following information:

      Parameters starting with $ symbol are sent via GET.
    • Once the client clicks the Pay button, this must be disabled to avoid sending a new request over the same payment.
    • It is recommended to display a wait message while your customer is redirected.
    • Do not show the bank site in containers (frames, panel, iframes, etc). The payment process must be fluid. Furthermore, avoid opening the bank site in a new tab nor a new browser window. If you need to use a new tab or window, block the origin page to avoid sending a new request over the same payment.
    • You must add in the response page the options to retry the payment, finish the transaction and print the receipt.
    • The status displayed in the response page can be any of the following:
    polTransactionState polResponseCode State
    4 1 Approved transaction
    6 5 Failed transaction
    6 4 Rejected transaction
    12 or 14 9994 or 25 Pending transaction, please check if the debit was made in the bank.

    API Call

    The following are the bodies of the request and response of this payment method.

    Request Example:

       "language": "es",
       "command": "SUBMIT_TRANSACTION",
       "merchant": {
          "apiKey": "4Vj8eK4rloUd272L48hsrarnUA",
          "apiLogin": "pRRXKOl8ikMmt9u"
       "transaction": {
          "order": {
             "accountId": "512321",
             "referenceCode": "PRODUCT_TEST_2021-06-23T19:59:43.229Z",
             "description": "Payment test description",
             "language": "es",
             "signature": "1d6c33aed575c4974ad5c0be7c6a1c87",
             "notifyUrl": "",
             "additionalValues": {
                "TX_VALUE": {
                   "value": 65000,
                   "currency": "COP"
                "TX_TAX": {
                   "value": 10378,
                   "currency": "COP"
                "TX_TAX_RETURN_BASE": {
                   "value": 54622,
                   "currency": "COP"
             "buyer": {
                "merchantBuyerId": "1",
                "fullName": "First name and second buyer name",
                "emailAddress": "",
                "contactPhone": "7563126",
                "dniNumber": "123456789",
                "shippingAddress": {
                   "street1": "Cr 23 No. 53-50",
                   "street2": "5555487",
                   "city": "Bogotá",
                   "state": "Bogotá D.C.",
                   "country": "CO",
                   "postalCode": "000000",
                   "phone": "7563126"
             "shippingAddress": {
                "street1": "Cr 23 No. 53-50",
                "street2": "5555487",
                "city": "Bogotá",
                "state": "Bogotá D.C.",
                "country": "CO",
                "postalCode": "0000000",
                "phone": "7563126"
          "payer": {
             "merchantPayerId": "1",
             "fullName": "First name and second payer name",
             "emailAddress": "",
             "contactPhone": "7563126",
             "dniNumber": "5415668464654",
             "billingAddress": {
                "street1": "Cr 23 No. 53-50",
                "street2": "125544",
                "city": "Bogotá",
                "state": "Bogotá D.C.",
                "country": "CO",
                "postalCode": "000000",
                "phone": "7563126"
          "extraParameters": {
             "RESPONSE_URL": "",
             "PSE_REFERENCE1": "",
             "FINANCIAL_INSTITUTION_CODE": "1022",
             "USER_TYPE": "N",
             "PSE_REFERENCE2": "CC",
             "PSE_REFERENCE3": "123456789"
          "type": "AUTHORIZATION_AND_CAPTURE",
          "paymentMethod": "PSE",
          "paymentCountry": "CO",
          "deviceSessionId": "vghs6tvkcle931686k1900o6e1",
          "ipAddress": "",
          "cookie": "pt1t38347bs6jc9ruv2ecpv7o2",
          "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0"
       "test": false

    Response Example:

        "code": "SUCCESS",
        "error": null,
        "transactionResponse": {
            "orderId": 1400449959,
            "transactionId": "4d49e544-e23f-474e-92b1-59357e0e85e8",
            "state": "PENDING",
            "paymentNetworkResponseCode": null,
            "paymentNetworkResponseErrorMessage": null,
            "trazabilityCode": "2204682",
            "authorizationCode": null,
            "pendingReason": "AWAITING_NOTIFICATION",
            "responseCode": "PENDING_TRANSACTION_CONFIRMATION",
            "errorCode": null,
            "responseMessage": null,
            "transactionDate": null,
            "transactionTime": null,
            "operationDate": 1624471332753,
            "referenceQuestionnaire": null,
            "extraParameters": {
                "TRANSACTION_CYCLE": "1",
                "BANK_URL": ""
            "additionalInfo": {
                "paymentNetwork": "PSE",
                "rejectionType": "NONE",
                "responseNetworkMessage": null,
                "travelAgencyAuthorizationCode": null,
                "cardType": null,
                "transactionType": "AUTHORIZATION_AND_CAPTURE"

    Request Example:

             <description>Payment test description</description>
                <fullName>First name and second buyer name</fullName>
                   <street1>Cr 23 No. 53-50</street1>
                   <state>Bogotá D.C.</state>
                <street1>Cr 23 No. 53-50</street1>
                <state>Bogotá D.C.</state>
             <fullName>First name and second payer name</fullName>
                <street1>Cr 23 No. 53-50</street1>
                <state>Bogotá D.C.</state>
          <userAgent>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0</userAgent>

    Response Example:


    Submit Transactions Using Google Pay

    Google Pay is a digital wallet that enables simple and fast card payments, without the need of entering the card data for each payment. The card data is safely stored by Google. This payment method is available for all devices (mobile phones and computers), no matter the operating system and in almost all web browsers.

    In case of using Google Pay, the merchants must adhere to the Google Pay APIs Acceptable Use Policy and accept the terms that Google Pay API Terms of Service defines.

    If you wish to offer this method via PayU Web-Checkout, no additional integration effort is required. Contact your Key Account Manager to make the activation request. If you wish to test the payment method prior to activation, you can follow the instructions here.

    Please note that if your integration with PayU is API, you must change the settings described in this section to process Google Pay transactions:

    API Integration of the Payment Method

    To integrate the website with the Google Pay wallet, proceed according to the instructions placed at these websites:

    PayU Definitions for the API Integration of the Payment Method

    Below you will find relevant information that you must consider for your payments to be processed by PayU once the payment method is integrated:

    • Request a Payment Token for PayU

    Google encrypts the information of the card selected by the payer for secure processing, this is carried out by a payment provider. The gateway parameter in the script should have the constant value of payulatam, and the gatewayMerchantId should include your PayU account number according to the example below:

    const tokenizationSpecification = {
      type: 'PAYMENT_GATEWAY',
      parameters: {
        'gateway': 'payulatam',
        'gatewayMerchantId': 'YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID '
    • Supported Payment Networks

    PayU processes Google Pay payments for Mastercard and Visa cards. To configure your Google script, use these settings:

    const allowedCardNetworks = ["MASTERCARD", "VISA", "ELECTRON", "MAESTRO"];
    const allowedCardAuthMethods = ["PAN_ONLY"];

    Google will return a PaymentData object, and the paymentMethodData.tokenizationData.token field will contain a securely encrypted Google Pay Token (a string).

    Below, a sample of a Google Pay Token:

        "signedKey": "{\"keyExpiration\":\"1542394027316\",\"keyValue\":\"MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAE/1+3HBVSbdv+j7NaArdgMyoSAM43yRydzqdg1TxodSzA96Dj4Mc1EiKroxxunavVIvdxGnJeFViTzFvzFRxyCw\\u003d\\u003d\"}",
        "signatures": ["MEYCIQDcXCoB4fYJF3EolxrE2zB+7THZCfKA7cWxSztKceXTCgIhAN/d5eBgx/1A6qKBdH0IS7/aQ7dO4MuEt26OrLCUxZnl"]

    Process Google Pay Transactions in PayU

    The primary function of Google Pay as a digital wallet is to store credit cards to facilitate payment processing. With that in mind, for PayU, the transactions processed by Google Pay will have the same credit card logic except for the following particularities:

    • If you are processing transactions of your customers with Google Pay, you should configure the information of the wallet in the parameter transaction.digitalWallet.
    • Inside the parameter transaction.digitalWallet use GOOGLE_PAY in the field transaction.digitalWallet.type and send the Google Pay Token in the field transaction.digitalWallet.message.
    • Take into account that for Google Pay transactions inside the parameter, you should always send a value for Other fields of this parameter are not necessary since Google Pay delivers them inside the token.
    • Contact your account manager to make the necessary activations to process without cvv as this payment method requires it.

    Test the Payment Method

    This section is designed to guide users through the testing process and familiarization with the Google Pay payment method in PayU.

    Prerequisites (for API and Web Checkout integrations):

    • Make sure you are logged in your browser with the Gmail account with which you will be testing.
    • Join the Google group in which the test cards for PayU will be available. The group can be found in the following Google documentation.

    Testing for Merchants with API Integration:

    1. Once the changes indicated in the previous sections have been made, use the Token Simulator File to simulate a transaction and obtain a sample of a Google Pay Token. The simulator can be visualized here.
    1. Use the information on the sample of the Google Pay Token to fill out the PayU Request. Send it to PayU to get proof of an approved transaction. If you have results that are not approved, please review the documentation from the steps above.

    Testing for Merchants with Web Checkout Integration:

    Access PayU Latam Web Checkout in a test environment and simulate a transaction.

    API Call

    The following are the bodies of the request and response of this payment method.

    Request Example:

        "language": "es",
        "command": "SUBMIT_TRANSACTION",
        "merchant": {
            "apiKey": "012345678901",
            "apiLogin": "012345678901"
        "transaction": {
            "order": {
                "accountId": "9",
                "language": "es",
                "description" : "test",
                "signature": "{{payu_signature}}",
                "referenceCode": "{{payu_ref_code}}",
                "additionalValues": {
                    "TX_VALUE": {
                        "value": 100,
                        "currency": "ARS"
            "payer": {
                "merchantPayerId": "1",
                "fullName": "First name and second payer name",
                "emailAddress": "",
                "contactPhone": "7563126",
                "dniNumber": "5415668464654",
                "dniType": null
            "creditCard": {
                "name": "Kevin Pelaez"
            "digitalWallet": {
                "type" : "GOOGLE_PAY",
                "message" : "{\"signature\":\"MEUCIQCSsfd63AcUEjNRnpgqEm/B6cm8Fna1ty+HatD4Hqp/bgIgHCtrwKhvO1e5K3vDfE6FxqSaRkP9PHuY63aQ35gV5lk\\u003d\",\"intermediateSigningKey\":{\"signedKey\":\"{\\\"keyValue\\\":\\\"MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAExtzNORa//EJphgvdpUTsDElAg26mYXxNqs8/UX7DDSDCojJ/2+GCf8CVmClyRM+bukNsYM82pwkjZqOe5AOxUg\\\\u003d\\\\u003d\\\",\\\"keyExpiration\\\":\\\"1695147545256\\\"}\",\"signatures\":[\"MEQCIAxxj2BnQzTyTXLzjJ08JG+s1qdmX1XlOxzFmq1THTJ4AiAe7anOO7l+KZ1nkbGBufXBuQGInFMGR70+I33EyCL5GQ\\u003d\\u003d\"]},\"protocolVersion\":\"ECv2\",\"signedMessage\":\"{\\\"encryptedMessage\\\":\\\"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\\\",\\\"ephemeralPublicKey\\\":\\\"BNgz4XETGJgixJYrYHLXjQrRaZ9i2q2Z2uGTOFNuVY5ZiCFiSJeiP0l+dt+Y0r8I29l5F2Lwd+e8torE3vSMm9g\\\\u003d\\\",\\\"tag\\\":\\\"NUJPbcTwbfWBC3ByHzcwQz/bEsbt80vh1ahXoRY4xAQ\\\\u003d\\\"}\"}"
            "extraParameters": {
                "INSTALLMENTS_NUMBER": 1
            "type": "AUTHORIZATION_AND_CAPTURE",
            "paymentMethod": "MASTERCARD",
            "paymentCountry": "BR"
        "test": false

    Response Example:

        "code": "SUCCESS",
        "error": null,
        "transactionResponse": {
            "orderId": 1400437001,
            "transactionId": "f0f8c441-43e8-490a-b4f2-c14d2c403175",
            "state": "APPROVED",
            "paymentNetworkResponseCode": "6",
            "paymentNetworkResponseErrorMessage": null,
            "trazabilityCode": "282856",
            "authorizationCode": "MOCK-CIELO-1624047897817",
            "pendingReason": null,
            "responseCode": "APPROVED",
            "errorCode": null,
            "responseMessage": null,
            "transactionDate": null,
            "transactionTime": null,
            "operationDate": 1624029898077,
            "referenceQuestionnaire": null,
            "extraParameters": {
                "BANK_REFERENCED_CODE": "CREDIT",
                "CIELO_TID": "1006993069000509C28A"
            "additionalInfo": null

    Request Example:

                 <fullName>First name and second payer name</fullName>
                 <name>Kevin Pelaez</name>

    Response Example:


    You will find the description of the transaction.digitalWallet object and its fields in the section Parameters.

    Banks List - PSE

    This method returns a list of the banks available for payments using PSE.

    Parameters for Request and Response

    Field Name Format Size Description Mandatory
    language Alphanumeric 2 Language used in the request, this language is used to display the error messages generated. See supported languages. Yes
    command Alphanumeric Max:32 Set GET_BANKS_LIST. Yes
    test (JSON)
    isTest (XML)
    Boolean Set true if the request is in test mode. Otherwise, set false. Yes
    merchant Object This object has the authentication data. Yes
    merchant > apiLogin Alphanumeric Min:12 Max:32 User or login provided by PayU. How do I get my API Login Yes
    merchant > apiKey Alphanumeric Min:6 Max:32 Password provided by PayU. How do I get my API Key Yes
    bankListInformation Object This object has the information of the query. Yes
    bankListInformation > paymentMethod Alphanumeric Set PSE. Yes
    bankListInformation > paymentCountry Alphanumeric Set CO. Yes
    Field Name Format Size Description
    code Alphanumeric The response code of the transaction. Possible values are ERROR and SUCCESS.
    error Alphanumeric Max:2048 The error message associated when the response code is ERROR.
    banks Object List of the banks available in PSE.
    banks > id Numeric Internal bank identifier.
    banks > description Alphanumeric Bank name to be displayed in the list.
    banks > pseCode Alphanumeric Code to send in the extra parameter FINANCIAL_INSTITUTION_CODE of the payment request.

    API Call

    The following are the examples of the request and response of this method.

    Request Example:

       "language": "es",
       "command": "GET_BANKS_LIST",
       "merchant": {
          "apiLogin": "pRRXKOl8ikMmt9u",
          "apiKey": "4Vj8eK4rloUd272L48hsrarnUA"
       "test": false,
       "bankListInformation": {
          "paymentMethod": "PSE",
          "paymentCountry": "CO"

    Response Example:

        "code": "SUCCESS",
        "error": null,
        "banks": [
                "id": "34e6e912-a395-4d31-9599-9baa176c1a61",
                "description": "A continuación seleccione su banco",
                "pseCode": "0"
                "id": "033aec11-e068-4252-8043-237144be9233",
                "description": "BAN.CO",
                "pseCode": "1552"
                "id": "a720cb4c-6549-4932-83be-6d72b3eb0016",
                "description": "BANCAMIA",
                "pseCode": "1059"
                "id": "d9280852-47a5-4e99-94ac-3d7648ba79a3",
                "description": "BANCO AGRARIO",
                "pseCode": "1040"
                "id": "ff216e8a-28ba-4bf6-9935-b94dfdfd96a0",
                "description": "BANCO AGRARIO DESARROLLO",
                "pseCode": "1081"
                "id": "5073154e-efd4-4870-9315-abb926e87519",
                "description": "BANCO AGRARIO QA DEFECTOS",
                "pseCode": "1080"
                "id": "6e61a91d-58bf-46ec-aa09-1f44974dda7e",
                "description": "BANCO CAJA SOCIAL",
                "pseCode": "10322"
                "id": "e062711e-6bbd-4a13-819a-d60084f9c6fa",
                "description": "BANCO CAJA SOCIAL DESARROLLO",
                "pseCode": "1032"
                "id": "a9b5cc17-b0ae-4708-9835-586a0bef95df",
                "description": "BANCO COMERCIAL AVVILLAS S.A.",
                "pseCode": "1052"
                "id": "c5c97dfe-6101-453f-bcd4-691f4b329a3c",
                "description": "BANCO COOMEVA S.A. - BANCOOMEVA",
                "pseCode": "1061"
                "id": "7a2e8d04-e8c8-404b-8e49-d5d37c107a12",
                "description": "BANCO COOPERATIVO COOPCENTRAL",
                "pseCode": "1066"
                "id": "197fe0af-f658-4fe0-ad1b-952e174de549",
                "description": "BANCO CREDIFINANCIERA",
                "pseCode": "1058"
                "id": "b1de44f1-cede-4aca-9d3f-3313d5cc0c63",
                "description": "BANCO DAVIVIENDA",
                "pseCode": "1051"
                "id": "7a10219e-04a7-4c31-b747-54ded27c7f07",
                "description": "BANCO DAVIVIENDA Desarrollo",
                "pseCode": "10512"
                "id": "ed06f40e-a1b9-4e48-8851-bffb4cda0480",
                "description": "BANCO DE BOGOTA",
                "pseCode": "1039"
                "id": "4592a13b-6334-4fba-8402-9d006b599fa8",
                "description": "BANCO DE BOGOTA DESARROLLO 2013",
                "pseCode": "1001"
                "id": "55f59084-cd3b-47d2-a420-6442cdb9e4b1",
                "description": "BANCO DE OCCIDENTE",
                "pseCode": "1023"
                "id": "8e134fca-4fde-44e6-b012-55e8f2d338ca",
                "description": "BANCO FALABELLA",
                "pseCode": "1062"
                "id": "8eb03abf-5608-419b-8d2c-9d90b8ab6b88",
                "description": "BANCO GNB COLOMBIA (ANTES HSBC)",
                "pseCode": "1010"
                "id": "283e0068-749f-43f1-a2e5-340910f41af3",
                "description": "BANCO GNB SUDAMERIS",
                "pseCode": "1012"
                "id": "8b0bf5e7-394d-4f7e-a467-e4d21d04c9fb",
                "description": "BANCO PICHINCHA S.A.",
                "pseCode": "1060"
                "id": "beeb494a-4ce5-41b4-b497-0756f0b6a6d9",
                "description": "BANCO POPULAR",
                "pseCode": "1002"
                "id": "a5a4b740-1644-4627-ae2a-41b13ffc7c5e",
                "description": "BANCO PRODUCTOS POR SEPARADO",
                "pseCode": "1203"
                "id": "47e747ef-c817-4be6-9eff-b6b16f50d001",
                "description": "Banco PSE",
                "pseCode": "1101"
                "id": "589939d7-06d1-4933-a101-8bb29b801d76",
                "description": "BANCO SANTANDER COLOMBIA",
                "pseCode": "1065"
                "id": "fcdaa98e-99ce-4e76-a504-1e053a05e773",
                "description": "BANCO SERFINANZA",
                "pseCode": "1069"
                "id": "201608c6-81de-436f-967a-2ec7c212c100",
                "description": "BANCO TEQUENDAMA",
                "pseCode": "1035"
                "id": "a8f33ba3-0053-464a-afbe-9add7c63fbc3",
                "description": "Banco union Colombia Credito",
                "pseCode": "1004"
                "id": "5dfa1b2c-64bd-4e8c-9fad-585337cfd4ff",
                "description": "BANCO UNION COLOMBIANO",
                "pseCode": "1022"
                "id": "56e306ef-6011-4f41-9640-b98449d6a6be",
                "description": "BANCO UNION COLOMBIANO FD2",
                "pseCode": "1005"
                "id": "bc883c0d-3610-4a88-96ca-2e2baa1dd2e5",
                "description": "Banco Web Service ACH",
                "pseCode": "1055"
                "id": "4e97e580-fc92-47ea-af4f-7b3b3ddffff8",
                "description": "Banco Web Service ACH WSE 3.0",
                "pseCode": "1055"
                "id": "931f6bfb-283e-4721-bb86-4a7484bfd28e",
                "description": "BANCOLOMBIA DATAPOWER",
                "pseCode": "10072"
                "id": "1285de9c-8d47-49f7-b00a-e87882e2a3f9",
                "description": "BANCOLOMBIA DESARROLLO",
                "pseCode": "10071"
                "id": "451f0e5f-5db4-4f55-a1fc-b38e06526e04",
                "description": "BANCOLOMBIA QA",
                "pseCode": "1007"
                "id": "448e00ec-c479-497d-9a35-0dfbbf462f72",
                "description": "BANKA",
                "pseCode": "1077"
                "id": "5f3a7adb-b283-4ca3-bee9-741f1306a03d",
                "description": "BBVA COLOMBIA S.A.",
                "pseCode": "1013"
                "id": "cd4286fa-850a-4b34-96d1-f71d6a79f44a",
                "description": "BBVA DESARROLLO",
                "pseCode": "1513"
                "id": "10e9b7b6-7a5f-4d5b-8d7f-4b2020f43f93",
                "description": "CITIBANK COLOMBIA S.A.",
                "pseCode": "1009"
                "id": "77f0988f-cf45-4931-bbcd-984e07e0fc51",
                "description": "COLTEFINANCIERA",
                "pseCode": "1370"
                "id": "48c81f6a-e0f1-4c1d-ab9b-9915726e3596",
                "description": "CONFIAR COOPERATIVA FINANCIERA",
                "pseCode": "1292"
                "id": "8694df26-5ccd-45c0-b5b7-2b995c47f81a",
                "description": "COOPERATIVA FINANCIERA COTRAFA",
                "pseCode": "1289"
                "id": "1c222feb-2b58-408c-a495-ade06b6825c0",
                "description": "COOPERATIVA FINANCIERA DE ANTIOQUIA",
                "pseCode": "1283"
                "id": "70a18a09-38f2-4f62-aba6-9ad28c30c966",
                "description": "CREDIFIANCIERA",
                "pseCode": "1558"
                "id": "3f8b3126-8aa3-4438-8a6c-1d544184f2d7",
                "description": "DALE",
                "pseCode": "1097"
                "id": "a953078b-5e22-42ea-9301-954558e8f463",
                "description": "DAVIPLATA",
                "pseCode": "1551"
                "id": "2ad780ba-a1e8-4cb9-9150-670429aae092",
                "description": "GIROS Y FINANZAS COMPAÑIA DE FINANCIAMIENTO S.A",
                "pseCode": "1303"
                "id": "c0bfb716-a098-40f6-84b5-1972a4846506",
                "description": "IRIS",
                "pseCode": "1637"
                "id": "7e1efd88-4f88-4e21-a972-28b526b27da5",
                "description": "ITAU",
                "pseCode": "1006"
                "id": "26c9a2df-6b4f-4309-9137-3692d9bb9f82",
                "description": "MOVII S.A",
                "pseCode": "1801"
                "id": "d9b48a70-6068-4116-a345-154381e5d953",
                "description": "NEQUI CERTIFICACION",
                "pseCode": "1508"
                "id": "60199dc5-7d38-49c6-92a5-b839dc0087d2",
                "description": "prueba restriccion",
                "pseCode": "9988"
                "id": "be467299-d90a-407e-86d3-01e30ade1e06",
                "description": "Prueba Steve",
                "pseCode": "121212"
                "id": "201acc05-4c4f-49dc-9be6-3261a6ce4a3c",
                "description": "RAPPIPAY",
                "pseCode": "1151"
                "id": "7602e001-6199-48bc-9ee3-466f8eb2e422",
                "description": "SCOTIABANK COLPATRIA DESARROLLO",
                "pseCode": "1019"
                "id": "9bb638a0-4c3f-41d2-8811-f8cdd29b0db2",
                "description": "SCOTIABANK COLPATRIA UAT",
                "pseCode": "1078"
                "id": "086547b5-313b-42c7-acef-93d0f76b1dd5",
                "description": "SEIVY – GM FINANCIAL",
                "pseCode": "1305"

    Request Example:


    Response Example:

                <description>A continuación seleccione su banco</description>
                <description>BANCO AGRARIO</description>
                <description>BANCO AGRARIO DESARROLLO</description>
                <description>BANCO AGRARIO QA DEFECTOS</description>
                <description>BANCO CAJA SOCIAL</description>
                <description>BANCO CAJA SOCIAL DESARROLLO</description>
                <description>BANCO COMERCIAL AVVILLAS S.A.</description>
                <description>BANCO COOMEVA S.A. - BANCOOMEVA</description>
                <description>BANCO COOPERATIVO COOPCENTRAL</description>
                <description>BANCO CREDIFINANCIERA</description>
                <description>BANCO DAVIVIENDA</description>
                <description>BANCO DAVIVIENDA Desarrollo</description>
                <description>BANCO DE BOGOTA</description>
                <description>BANCO DE BOGOTA DESARROLLO 2013</description>
                <description>BANCO DE OCCIDENTE</description>
                <description>BANCO FALABELLA</description>
                <description>BANCO GNB COLOMBIA (ANTES HSBC)</description>
                <description>BANCO GNB SUDAMERIS</description>
                <description>BANCO PICHINCHA S.A.</description>
                <description>BANCO POPULAR</description>
                <description>BANCO PRODUCTOS POR SEPARADO</description>
                <description>Banco PSE</description>
                <description>BANCO SANTANDER COLOMBIA</description>
                <description>BANCO SERFINANZA</description>
                <description>BANCO TEQUENDAMA</description>
                <description>Banco union Colombia Credito</description>
                <description>BANCO UNION COLOMBIANO</description>
                <description>BANCO UNION COLOMBIANO FD2</description>
                <description>Banco Web Service ACH</description>
                <description>Banco Web Service ACH WSE 3.0</description>
                <description>BANCOLOMBIA DATAPOWER</description>
                <description>BANCOLOMBIA DESARROLLO</description>
                <description>BANCOLOMBIA QA</description>
                <description>BBVA COLOMBIA S.A.</description>
                <description>BBVA DESARROLLO</description>
                <description>CITIBANK COLOMBIA S.A.</description>
                <description>CONFIAR COOPERATIVA FINANCIERA</description>
                <description>COOPERATIVA FINANCIERA COTRAFA</description>
                <description>COOPERATIVA FINANCIERA DE ANTIOQUIA</description>
                <description>GIROS Y FINANZAS COMPAÑIA DE FINANCIAMIENTO S.A</description>
                <description>MOVII S.A</description>
                <description>NEQUI CERTIFICACION</description>
                <description>prueba restriccion</description>
                <description>Prueba Steve</description>
                <description>SCOTIABANK COLPATRIA DESARROLLO</description>
                <description>SCOTIABANK COLPATRIA UAT</description>
                <description>SEIVY – GM FINANCIAL</description>

    Available Payment Methods Query

    This method returns a list of the payment methods available in all countries.

    Parameters for Request and Response

    Field Name Format Size Description Mandatory
    language Alphanumeric 2 Language used in the request, this language is used to display the error messages generated. See supported languages. Yes
    command Alphanumeric Max:32 Set GET_PAYMENT_METHODS. Yes
    test (JSON)
    isTest (XML)
    Boolean Set true if the request is in test mode. Otherwise, set false. Yes
    merchant Object This object has the authentication data. Yes
    merchant > apiLogin Alphanumeric Min:12 Max:32 User or login provided by PayU. How do I get my API Login Yes
    merchant > apiKey Alphanumeric Min:6 Max:32 Password provided by PayU. How do I get my API Key Yes
    Field Name Format Size Description
    code Alphanumeric The response code of the transaction. Possible values are ERROR and SUCCESS.
    error Alphanumeric Max:2048 The error message associated when the response code is ERROR.
    paymentMethods Object List of the payment methods.
    paymentMethods > paymentMethodComplete Object This object has the information of a payment method.
    paymentMethods > paymentMethodComplete > id Numeric Payment method identifier.
    paymentMethods > paymentMethodComplete > description Alphanumeric Max:32 Payment method name.
    paymentMethods > paymentMethodComplete > country Alphanumeric 2 ISO code of the Payment method country.

    API Call

    The following are the examples of the request and response of this method. For the sake of the example, the response here shows two payment methods.

    Request Example:

       "test": false,
       "language": "en",
       "command": "GET_PAYMENT_METHODS",
       "merchant": {
          "apiLogin": "pRRXKOl8ikMmt9u",
          "apiKey": "4Vj8eK4rloUd272L48hsrarnUA"

    Response Example:

        "code": "SUCCESS",
        "error": null,
        "paymentMethods": [
                "id": "36",
                "description": "EFECTY",
                "country": "CO",
                "enabled": true,
                "reason": null
                "id": "10",
                "description": "MASTERCARD",
                "country": "co",
                "enabled": true,
                "reason": null

    Request Example:


    Response Example:



    The PING method lets you verify the connection to our platform.

    Parameters For Request and Response

    Field Name Format Size Description Mandatory
    language Alphanumeric 2 Language used in the request, this language is used to display the error messages generated. See supported languages. Yes
    command Alphanumeric Max:32 Set PING. Yes
    test (JSON)
    isTest (XML)
    Boolean Set true if the request is in test mode. Otherwise, set false. Yes
    merchant Object This object has the authentication data. Yes
    merchant > apiLogin Alphanumeric Min:12 Max:32 User or login provided by PayU. How do I get my API Login Yes
    merchant > apiKey Alphanumeric Min:6 Max:32 Password provided by PayU. How do I get my API Key Yes
    Field Name Format Size Description
    code Alphanumeric The response code of the transaction.
    error Alphanumeric Max:2048 The error message associated if an error ocurred.
    transactionResponse Object Max:2048 The response of the PING method if an error ocurred.

    API Call

    The following are the examples of the request and response of this method.

    Request Example:

       "test": false,
       "language": "en",
       "command": "PING",
       "merchant": {
          "apiLogin": "pRRXKOl8ikMmt9u",
          "apiKey": "4Vj8eK4rloUd272L48hsrarnUA"

    Response Example:

        "code": "SUCCESS",
        "error": null,
        "transactionResponse": null

    Request Example:


    Response Example:

    Last modified September 30, 2024: Documentation Updates (a1e8dbe3c)