Test Your Solution

PayU has a sandbox environment in which, you can test your solution before moving to the live environment, where you can receive real payments and transactions.

If you want to perform tests through PayU, you need to use the following credentials in the request, depending on the country of your account:

Merchant ID API Login API Key Public Key accountId Country
508029 pRRXKOl8ikMmt9u 4Vj8eK4rloUd272L48hsrarnUA PKaC6H4cEDJD919n705L544kSU 512322 Argentina
512327 Brazil
512325 Chile
512321 Colombia
512324 Mexico
512326 Panama
512323 Peru

The test environment does not replicate data from your production account.

Test cards

You can use the following cards for testing:

Card Number
AMEX Credit Card 376414000000009
ARGENCARD Credit Card 5011050000000001
CABAL Credit Card 5896570000000008
CENCOSUD Credit Card 6034930000000005 - 5197670000000002
DINERS Credit Card 36481400000006
MASTERCARD Credit Card 5399090000000009
NARANJA Credit Card 5895620000000002
SHOPPING Credit Card 6034880000000051
VISA Credit Card 4850110000000000 - 4036820000000001
VISA Debit Card 4517730000000000
Card Number
AMEX Credit Card 376611000000000
DINERS Credit Card 36213800000009
ELO Credit Card 5067310000000002
HIPERCARD Credit Card 6062825624254001
MASTERCARD Credit Card 5123740000000002
VISA Credit Card 4422120000000008 - 4984460000000008
Card Number Cardholder CVV Expiration date
AMEX Credit Card 377825000000005 Follow the testing values according to the expected result.
DINERS Credit Card 36525200000002
MASTERCARD Credit Card 5457210001000019 BKN_DMC_001 300 12/25
MASTERCARD Debit Card 5204730000001003 BKN_MCS_001 100 12/25
MASTERCARD Prepaid Card 5185540320000012 BKN_DMC_001 001 12/25
VISA Credit Card 4761340000000035 VISA_GLOBAL_3 846 12/27
VISA International Card 4005520000000129 VISA_ECOMMERCE_03 921 12/27
VISA Dedit Card 4761340000000050 VISA_GLOBAL_5 846 12/27
Card Number
AMEX Credit Card 377813000000001 - 377847626810864 - 376402004977124 - 376414000000009
CODENSA Credit Card 5907120000000009
CRM Credit Card 5282096712463427
DAVIVIENDA Credit Card 5247081012761500
DINERS Credit Card 36032400000007 - 36032404150519 - 36032440201896
MASTERCARD Credit Card 5471300000000003 - 5120697176068275
NEQUI Credit Card 4093551018099251
VISA Credit Card 4097440000000004 - 4037997623271984 - 4111111111111111
VISA Debit Card 4509420000000008
Card Number
AMEX Credit Card 376675000000005
MASTERCARD Credit Card 5491380000000001
MASTERCARD Debit Card 5256780000000007
VISA Credit Card 4268070000000002
VISA Debit Card 4415490000000004
Card Number
MASTERCARD Credit Card 5455040000000005
VISA Credit Card 4723030000000005
Card Number
AMEX Credit Card 377753000000009
DINERS Credit Card 36239200000000
MASTERCARD Credit Card 5491610000000001
MASTERCARD Debit Card 5236930000000003
VISA Credit Card 4907840000000005 - 4634010000000005
VISA Debit Card 4557880000000004

Testing status

When testing Payments, you must send in the request:

  • To get approved transactions:
    • Send APPROVED in the name of the cardholder.
    • Send 777 in the CVV of the card (for AMEX, use 7777).
    • The test parameter and the description also define the state. If it doesn’t work with test set as false, change its value to true.
    • Send the month of the expiration date of the card less than 6 and the year must be 2023 or higher. Example: 05/2025.
  • To get declined transactions:
    • Send REJECTED in the name of the cardholder.
    • Send 666 in the CVV of the card (for AMEX, use 6666).
    • The test parameter and the description also define the state. If it doesn’t work with test set as false, change its value to true.
    • Send the month of the expiration date of the card higher than 6 and the year must be 2023 or higher. Example: 07/2027.
  • For the card number you must enter a valid number, corresponding to the franchise sent in the request. You can use an online card generator for testing purposes or use one of the cards available for your country mentioned before.
  • To test PSE bank transfers (Available in Colombia) in the PayU Sandbox environment, see the PSE Test Guide (PDF).
  • To test cards in Chile, use the cardholder name, CVV and expiration date displayed in the example cards.

Importing the Collection

Click the button below to import our collection in Postman (you may need to refresh the page if the button does not work for you). Note that we create a new environment each time you import the collection.

After you run the collection, you need to set the environment variables and the globals.

Setting your Environment Variables

Our collection has one environment named PayU API Sandbox. We recommend you invoke the collection’s API requests in a Sandbox environment only.

If you want to change the PayU’s testing accounts, configure the api_key, api_login, merchant_id and account-[country] variables. You can leave all the other variables unchanged.

Importing globals

Globals are the variables required to process transactions in our Payment gateway such as currency, transaction amount, confirmation and response pages and more.

Import the globals for the collection to configure the values sent to the requests.

  1. Download the globals file here.

  2. In the Postman collection, click Import next to your workspace name and locate the json file recently downloaded.

  3. When finish, click Import.

To change the amount of a transaction, update the value for the tx_value_[Country] according to the country you want to test.

Running the Requests in the Correct Order

Beware that the order in which you run the requests is important, since some of the data returned by one request may be used in the next invocation.

Last modified November 21, 2022: Mexico Mastercard Credit Card Change (733a11702)