API de Consultas

El API de Consultas te permite validar el estado de las órdenes generadas junto con sus transacciones.

Para integrate con el API de Consultas, apunta tus peticiones a las siguientes URLs de acuerdo con tu ambiente.

Métodos disponibles

El API de Consultas incluye los siguientes métodos:

Consultar por Identificador de la orden

Order Id es un valor generado por PayU para identificar todas las transacciones generadas en una solicitud de pago realizada por tu cliente. Puedes utilizar el comando ORDER_DETAIL para consultar el estado de una orden por su identificador.

Los siguientes son los cuerpos de la petición y la respuesta para esta operación.

Ejemplo petición:

   "test": false,
   "language": "en",
   "command": "ORDER_DETAIL",
   "merchant": {
      "apiLogin": "pRRXKOl8ikMmt9u",
      "apiKey": "4Vj8eK4rloUd272L48hsrarnUA"
   "details": {
      "orderId": 857695047

Ejemplo respuesta:

    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "error": null,
    "result": {
        "payload": {
            "id": 857695047,
            "accountId": 512321,
            "status": "CAPTURED",
            "referenceCode": "PRODUCT_TEST_2021-05-03T18:01:10.946Z",
            "description": "Payment test description Documentation",
            "airlineCode": null,
            "language": "es",
            "notifyUrl": "http://www.payulatam.com/confirmation",
            "shippingAddress": {
                "street1": "calle 100",
                "street2": "5555487",
                "city": "Medellin",
                "state": "Antioquia",
                "country": "CO",
                "postalCode": "0000000",
                "phone": "7563126"
            "buyer": {
                "merchantBuyerId": "1",
                "fullName": "First name and second buyer name",
                "emailAddress": "buyer_test@test.com",
                "contactPhone": "7563126",
                "buyerAddress": {
                    "street1": "calle 100",
                    "street2": "5555487",
                    "city": "Medellin",
                    "state": "Antioquia",
                    "country": "CO",
                    "postalCode": "000000",
                    "phone": "7563126"
                "dniNumber": "123456789",
                "cnpj": null
            "antifraudMerchantId": null,
            "isTest": true,
            "transactions": [
                    "id": "5fde3c2c-540d-4579-96f7-2a4b8c65a951",
                    "order": null,
                    "creditCard": {
                        "maskedNumber": "547130******0003",
                        "issuerBank": null,
                        "name": "APPROVED",
                        "cardType": null
                    "bankAccount": null,
                    "type": "AUTHORIZATION_AND_CAPTURE",
                    "parentTransactionId": null,
                    "paymentMethod": "MASTERCARD",
                    "source": null,
                    "paymentCountry": "CO",
                    "transactionResponse": {
                        "state": "APPROVED",
                        "paymentNetworkResponseCode": null,
                        "paymentNetworkResponseErrorMessage": null,
                        "trazabilityCode": "00000000",
                        "authorizationCode": "00000000",
                        "pendingReason": null,
                        "responseCode": "APPROVED",
                        "errorCode": null,
                        "responseMessage": null,
                        "transactionDate": null,
                        "transactionTime": null,
                        "operationDate": 1620064792953,
                        "extraParameters": null
                    "deviceSessionId": "vghs6tvkcle931686k1900o6e1",
                    "ipAddress": "",
                    "cookie": "pt1t38347bs6jc9ruv2ecpv7o2",
                    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0",
                    "expirationDate": null,
                    "payer": {
                        "merchantPayerId": "1",
                        "fullName": "First name and second payer name",
                        "billingAddress": {
                            "street1": "calle 93",
                            "street2": "125544",
                            "city": "Bogota",
                            "state": "Bogota DC",
                            "country": "CO",
                            "postalCode": "000000",
                            "phone": "7563126"
                        "emailAddress": "payer_test@test.com",
                        "contactPhone": "7563126",
                        "dniNumber": "5415668464654",
                        "dniType": null
                    "termsAndConditionId": 202,
                    "additionalValues": {
                        "PM_PAYER_COMMISSION_VALUE": {
                            "value": 0.00,
                            "currency": "COP"
                        "PM_PAYER_TOTAL_AMOUNT": {
                            "value": 50000.00,
                            "currency": "COP"
                        "PM_TAX": {
                            "value": 0.00,
                            "currency": "COP"
                        "PM_PAYER_INTEREST_VALUE": {
                            "value": 0.00,
                            "currency": "COP"
                        "TX_ADDITIONAL_VALUE": {
                            "value": 0.00,
                            "currency": "COP"
                        "PM_NETWORK_VALUE": {
                            "value": 50000.00,
                            "currency": "COP"
                        "PM_TAX_RETURN_BASE": {
                            "value": 0.00,
                            "currency": "COP"
                        "TX_VALUE": {
                            "value": 50000.00,
                            "currency": "COP"
                        "CURRENT_TX_VALUE": {
                            "value": 50000.00,
                            "currency": "COP"
                        "TX_TAX": {
                            "value": 0.00,
                            "currency": "COP"
                        "PM_PAYER_PRICING_VALUES": {
                            "value": 0.00,
                            "currency": "COP"
                        "TX_TAX_RETURN_BASE": {
                            "value": 0.00,
                            "currency": "COP"
                        "PM_PURCHASE_VALUE": {
                            "value": 50000.00,
                            "currency": "COP"
                        "PM_ADDITIONAL_VALUE": {
                            "value": 0.00,
                            "currency": "COP"
                        "PM_VALUE": {
                            "value": 50000.00,
                            "currency": "COP"
                    "extraParameters": {
                        "MIN_SHIPPING_PAYER": "0",
                        "BANK_REFERENCED_CODE": "CREDIT",
                        "PRICING_PROFILE_GROUP_ID": "MG-PRICING_2_341559",
                        "MAX_SHIPPING_MERCHANT": "0",
                        "PERCENT_SHIPPING_MERCHANT": "0",
                        "MAX_SHIPPING_PAYER": "0",
                        "MERCHANT_PROFILE_ID": "MG-PRICING_1_51803",
                        "MIN_SHIPPING_MERCHANT": "0",
                        "INSTALLMENTS_NUMBER": "1",
                        "PAYMENT_WAY_ID": "4"
            "additionalValues": {
                "PM_PAYER_COMMISSION_VALUE": {
                    "value": 0.00,
                    "currency": "COP"
                "PM_TAX": {
                    "value": 0.00,
                    "currency": "COP"
                "PM_PAYER_INTEREST_VALUE": {
                    "value": 0.00,
                    "currency": "COP"
                "TX_ADDITIONAL_VALUE": {
                    "value": 0.00,
                    "currency": "COP"
                "PM_NETWORK_VALUE": {
                    "value": 50000.00,
                    "currency": "COP"
                "PM_TAX_RETURN_BASE": {
                    "value": 0.00,
                    "currency": "COP"
                "TX_VALUE": {
                    "value": 50000.00,
                    "currency": "COP"
                "TX_TAX": {
                    "value": 0.00,
                    "currency": "COP"
                "PM_PAYER_PRICING_VALUES": {
                    "value": 0.00,
                    "currency": "COP"
                "TX_TAX_RETURN_BASE": {
                    "value": 0.00,
                    "currency": "COP"
                "PM_PURCHASE_VALUE": {
                    "value": 50000.00,
                    "currency": "COP"
                "PM_ADDITIONAL_VALUE": {
                    "value": 0.00,
                    "currency": "COP"
                "PM_VALUE": {
                    "value": 50000.00,
                    "currency": "COP"
            "creationDate": 1620064873257,
            "isCreatedUsingStandardIntegrationParams": null,
            "merchantId": 508029,
            "processedTransactionId": "5fde3c2c-540d-4579-96f7-2a4b8c65a951",
            "orderSignature": "49f80210a72e9b7cafe9001338450bbb"

Ejemplo petición:

   <details class="java.util.HashMap">
         <object class="java.lang.Long">2637540</object>

Ejemplo respuesta:

        <payload class="order">
            <description>Payment test description Documentation</description>
                <street1>calle 100</street1>
                <fullName>First name and second buyer name</fullName>
                    <street1>calle 100</street1>
                    <userAgent>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0</userAgent>
                        <fullName>First name and second payer name</fullName>
                            <street1>calle 93</street1>
                            <state>Bogota DC</state>

Consultar por Identificador de la transacción

Transaction Id es un valor generado por PayU para identificar una transaccion generada para una orden. Puedes utilizar el comando TRANSACTION_RESPONSE_DETAIL para consultar la información de una transacción.

Los siguientes son los cuerpos de la petición y la respuesta para esta operación.

Ejemplo petición:

   "test": false,
   "language": "en",
   "merchant": {
      "apiLogin": "pRRXKOl8ikMmt9u",
      "apiKey": "4Vj8eK4rloUd272L48hsrarnUA"
   "details": {
      "transactionId": "546e0fe9-8076-46b5-9f73-622c5a12f5cb"

Ejemplo respuesta:

    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "error": null,
    "result": {
        "payload": {
            "state": "APPROVED",
            "paymentNetworkResponseCode": "000",
            "paymentNetworkResponseErrorMessage": null,
            "trazabilityCode": "77821",
            "authorizationCode": "170921",
            "pendingReason": null,
            "responseCode": "APPROVED",
            "errorCode": null,
            "responseMessage": "Aprobado y completado con exito",
            "transactionDate": null,
            "transactionTime": null,
            "operationDate": 1620069958670,
            "extraParameters": null

Ejemplo petición:

   <details class="java.util.HashMap">
         <object class="java.lang.String">546e0fe9-8076-46b5-9f73-622c5a12f5cb</object>

Ejemplo respuesta:

        <payload class="transactionResponse">
            <responseMessage>Aprobado y completado con exito</responseMessage>

Consultar por Identificador de la referencia

Reference Id es un valor generado por tu comercio para identificar una orden. Puedes utilizar el comando ORDER_DETAIL_BY_REFERENCE_CODE para consultar el estado de una order por tu propio identificador (Referencia). Los siguientes son los cuerpos de la petición y la respuesta para este método.

Ejemplo petición:

   "test": false,
   "language": "en",
   "merchant": {
      "apiLogin": "pRRXKOl8ikMmt9u",
      "apiKey": "4Vj8eK4rloUd272L48hsrarnUA"
   "details": {
      "referenceCode": "HP14015317573744"

Ejemplo respuesta:

    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "error": null,
    "result": {
        "payload": [
                "id": 844427581,
                "accountId": 512321,
                "status": "CAPTURED",
                "referenceCode": "HP14015317573744",
                "description": "9518567a-0da7-44f9-b4d5-f8b8ac8d96d4",
                "airlineCode": null,
                "language": "pt",
                "notifyUrl": "http://api-pay-aff.vulcano.rocks/hotpay-notification-server/api/v1/payu/notification",
                "shippingAddress": null,
                "buyer": {
                    "merchantBuyerId": "0c970b19-3fbf-362c-b64b-c2c6ece8d01a",
                    "fullName": "APPROVED",
                    "emailAddress": "e26a8f06-64ef-49aa-8897-29df2f664017@usetheforce.com",
                    "contactPhone": null,
                    "buyerAddress": {
                        "street1": "ae QOprITzE",
                        "street2": "448",
                        "city": "BH",
                        "state": "MG",
                        "country": "CO",
                        "postalCode": "27519777",
                        "phone": null
                    "dniNumber": "1111",
                    "cnpj": "61609024311"
                "antifraudMerchantId": null,
                "isTest": true,
                "transactions": [
                        "id": "76b724ee-f8e3-4228-84ca-d9e0a9d5d2b7",
                        "order": null,
                        "creditCard": {
                            "maskedNumber": "411111******1111",
                            "issuerBank": "THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK",
                            "name": "APPROVED",
                            "cardType": null
                        "bankAccount": null,
                        "type": "AUTHORIZATION_AND_CAPTURE",
                        "parentTransactionId": null,
                        "paymentMethod": "VISA",
                        "source": null,
                        "paymentCountry": "CO",
                        "transactionResponse": {
                            "state": "APPROVED",
                            "paymentNetworkResponseCode": null,
                            "paymentNetworkResponseErrorMessage": null,
                            "trazabilityCode": "00000000",
                            "authorizationCode": "00000000",
                            "pendingReason": null,
                            "responseCode": "APPROVED",
                            "errorCode": null,
                            "responseMessage": null,
                            "transactionDate": null,
                            "transactionTime": null,
                            "operationDate": 1531757342757,
                            "extraParameters": null
                        "deviceSessionId": null,
                        "ipAddress": "",
                        "cookie": null,
                        "userAgent": "Apache-HttpClient/4.3.1 (java 1.5)",
                        "expirationDate": null,
                        "payer": {
                            "merchantPayerId": "c48c9d72c2344173a8a66ad157f1415e@payutest.com",
                            "fullName": "APPROVED",
                            "billingAddress": {
                                "street1": "ae QOprITzE",
                                "street2": "448",
                                "city": "BH",
                                "state": "MG",
                                "country": "CO",
                                "postalCode": "27519777",
                                "phone": null
                            "emailAddress": "e26a8f06-64ef-49aa-8897-29df2f664017@usetheforce.com",
                            "contactPhone": null,
                            "dniNumber": "1111",
                            "dniType": null
                        "termsAndConditionId": 202,
                        "additionalValues": {
                            "PM_PAYER_COMMISSION_VALUE": {
                                "value": 0.00,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "DP_MERCHANT_COMMISSION_VALUE": {
                                "value": 119.00,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "COMMISSION_VALUE": {
                                "value": 0.00,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "PM_PAYER_TOTAL_AMOUNT": {
                                "value": 54600.00,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "PM_TAX": {
                                "value": 8717.00,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "PM_PAYER_INTEREST_VALUE": {
                                "value": 0.00,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "TX_ADDITIONAL_VALUE": {
                                "value": 0.00,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "PM_NETWORK_VALUE": {
                                "value": 54600.00,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "PM_TAX_RETURN_BASE": {
                                "value": 45882.00,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "TX_VALUE": {
                                "value": 54600.00,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "CURRENT_TX_VALUE": {
                                "value": 54600.00,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "TX_TAX": {
                                "value": 8717.65,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "DP_MERCHANT_INTEREST_VALUE": {
                                "value": 0.00,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "DP_MERCHANT_TOTAL_INCOME_VALUE": {
                                "value": 52921.05,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "PM_PAYER_PRICING_VALUES": {
                                "value": 0.00,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "TX_TAX_RETURN_BASE": {
                                "value": 45882.35,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "PM_PURCHASE_VALUE": {
                                "value": 45883.00,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "PM_ADDITIONAL_VALUE": {
                                "value": 0.00,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "PM_VALUE": {
                                "value": 54600.00,
                                "currency": "COP"
                        "extraParameters": {
                            "MIN_SHIPPING_PAYER": "0",
                            "PRICING_PROFILE_GROUP_ID": "MG-PRICING_2_341559",
                            "MAX_SHIPPING_MERCHANT": "0",
                            "PERCENT_SHIPPING_MERCHANT": "0",
                            "MAX_SHIPPING_PAYER": "0",
                            "MERCHANT_PROFILE_ID": "MG-PRICING_1_51803",
                            "MIN_SHIPPING_MERCHANT": "0",
                            "INSTALLMENTS_NUMBER": "1"
                "additionalValues": {
                    "PM_PAYER_COMMISSION_VALUE": {
                        "value": 0.00,
                        "currency": "COP"
                    "DP_MERCHANT_COMMISSION_VALUE": {
                        "value": 119.00,
                        "currency": "COP"
                    "COMMISSION_VALUE": {
                        "value": 0.00,
                        "currency": "COP"
                    "PM_TAX": {
                        "value": 8717.00,
                        "currency": "COP"
                    "PM_PAYER_INTEREST_VALUE": {
                        "value": 0.00,
                        "currency": "COP"
                    "TX_ADDITIONAL_VALUE": {
                        "value": 0.00,
                        "currency": "COP"
                    "PM_NETWORK_VALUE": {
                        "value": 54600.00,
                        "currency": "COP"
                    "PM_TAX_RETURN_BASE": {
                        "value": 45882.00,
                        "currency": "COP"
                    "TX_VALUE": {
                        "value": 54600.00,
                        "currency": "COP"
                    "TX_TAX": {
                        "value": 8717.65,
                        "currency": "COP"
                    "DP_MERCHANT_INTEREST_VALUE": {
                        "value": 0.00,
                        "currency": "COP"
                    "PM_PAYER_PRICING_VALUES": {
                        "value": 0.00,
                        "currency": "COP"
                    "TX_TAX_RETURN_BASE": {
                        "value": 45882.35,
                        "currency": "COP"
                    "PM_PURCHASE_VALUE": {
                        "value": 45883.00,
                        "currency": "COP"
                    "PM_ADDITIONAL_VALUE": {
                        "value": 0.00,
                        "currency": "COP"
                    "PM_VALUE": {
                        "value": 54600.00,
                        "currency": "COP"
                "creationDate": 1531757337149,
                "isCreatedUsingStandardIntegrationParams": null,
                "merchantId": 508029,
                "processedTransactionId": "76b724ee-f8e3-4228-84ca-d9e0a9d5d2b7",
                "orderSignature": "bbd718c869298251a91329b673c5abfa"

Ejemplo petición:

	<details class="java.util.HashMap">
			<object class="java.lang.String">HP14015317573744</object>

Ejemplo respuesta:

        <payload class="list">
                        <street1>ae QOprITzE</street1>
                            <issuerBank>THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK</issuerBank>
                        <userAgent>Apache-HttpClient/4.3.1 (java 1.5)</userAgent>
                                <street1>ae QOprITzE</street1>


El método PING te permite verificar la conexión con nuestra plataforma. Los siguientes son los cuerpos de la petición y la respuesta para este método.

Ejemplo petición:

   "test": false,
   "language": "en",
   "command": "PING",
   "merchant": {
      "apiLogin": "pRRXKOl8ikMmt9u",
      "apiKey": "4Vj8eK4rloUd272L48hsrarnUA"

Ejemplo respuesta:

    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "error": null,
    "result": {
        "payload": "ping"

Ejemplo petición:


Ejemplo respuesta:

        <payload class="string">ping</payload>

Última modificación 24 de junio de 2022: clon issue (d73e43fe)